Life Hacks/rp-sld, "roses" (sensory-)/perfect/non-compete (town)/Bring her to the playground, do it with her in front of all the kids and their parents

From All The Fallen Stories
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You’re feeling a little exhibitionist, and besides, you kinda want to test out these cheats and see just how amazing they are. Theoretically, it should be just fine to fuck in public, you are pretty sure you could get away with it in the stands of the game, but you want to push it a little farther and find the true limits of this cheat.

Charity comes along with you, apparently expecting that your destination is the park bathrooms. She nervously holds the end of her skirt the whole way, blushing furiously and unable to make eye contact or really look anywhere aside from the ground. So, when you stop to look at the kids in the playground, she seems to just stand there nervously swaying silently.

“Wh… what’s wrong?” She asks, breaking the silence, when suddenly you decide to strip yourself, removing all your cloths and leaving yourself completely naked. You can see Charity visibly jump at this, but she still remains inert for a while. When you look back at her, having removed your last article of clothing and placed it on the bench beside you, she looks at you, and then briefly glances at the bathrooms before having her eyes start to dart around, and you can’t help but notice they seem to linger often on your newly chiseled abs and also how they drift a bit lower to take in your stiff insemination tool that she knows is about to be used on her. “A… are you gonna leave your clothes out here!?” She asks, clearly shaken.

“No, I thought we could do it on the playground,” you tell her.

“What!?” She responds, raising her voice and jumping as she looks out over to the kids playing around on the play equipment. “But… all the kids will see us! We can’t show them.. THAT! They’re too young to know about that.” BINGO! Looks like you discovered exactly what you were searching to find out. So, even with all those cheats making it Ok to have sex in public, have sex with children, expose yourself in public, and making it perfectly Ok to do it even if your partner doesn’t want it, it’s still taboo to have children learn about the birds and the bees early from seeing it happen.

Well then, now that you’ve confirmed this much…

What will you do?