Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Talk to her

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(Hates her current condition of undress or you have given her previous unpleasant sexual experiences here)

"It's Ok Hannah, there's no reason to be afraid of me." You tell her.

"Mmmm..." She whimpers and then begins to tremble as some tears fall from her eyes.

"Here Hannah, just come here." You coax her.


"It's Ok Hannah, there's no reason to be afraid of me." You tell her.

"I... I'm not..." She replies, fidgeting about with an embarrassed look.

"You sure look pretty nervous though, what's wrong?"

Hannah responds to this with a shrug of her shoulders, but her tensions seem to be easing a little.


"So, Hannah, are you doing Ok?" You ask her.

"Yeah, I'm Ok." She replies, blushing slightly and trying to hide her chin behind her shoulder as she has a cute smile on her face, prompting a gentle chuckle from you.

"Well then..." You respond with a knowing smile.

(Trust +5)

What direction should you take this?