2T4U/Jack/Morning/Melony's room/F-Mel-Missy(r)/Switch/Horny as hell

From All The Fallen Stories
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Your mother looks over at you with a searching stare. It is as though her eyes are boring into your soul, as though she is saying, “yeah, I just told my son to fuck the last virgin sister in the house. What do you have to say to that?” Your only reaction is to respond to her challenging glare with a shit-eating grin and a chuckle.

“Holy fuck mom!” You say with an approving tone to your voice.

“Hmm..” your mother smirks in satisfaction, taking your remark as praise as she walks over to the bed. “Looks like you had fun.” She says, “A whole lot of fun in your sisters” She casts an appraising glance over Melony and Missy now. Somehow, this is the first time you noticed how this was all affecting Missy. Her cheeks are bright red and she is just about hyper-ventilating behind Mel's hand as tears roll down her cheeks. There is a look of defeat in her eyes, but she looks to your mother as though she is asking for something she knows she is not going to get. “Well, that's a mighty good look for a couple of young girls who were just ravaged with their brother's seed.” There is something odd about the way she is talking, there is a somewhat arrogant and self-important tone to the way she is speaking. You don't really know what that is all about, but it is not really like your mother. But then, what about this situation is like any of you? As she talks though, you do manage to notice Melony. While Missy seems to have had a horrible time of what you just did to her, Mel's face seems to be full of a sort of glee.

“Well then, I guess it is time I got in on this.” She says, shrugging out of her clothing as though it is nothing and then climbing up onto the bed, straddling the girls and facing you. “So, how about it?” She asks you. “You ready for more?” With that, she reaches down to your still raging hard dick and eases it out of Melony's hole, then she moves it back up to Missy's abused entrance.

“Mmmm!” You moan in ecstasy at her touch as she runs her silky hands over your aching cock. She slides it up and down through Missy's sloppy slit, causing the recently raped 1st grader to flinch and grunt in protest, but she makes no strong effort to escape.

“I take it you know what to do?” She asks you, fixing you with a raised eyebrow stare and a suggestive grin.