Villainy/Raven's Child/Lost Child

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You would like to blend into this world like a native resident, and to that extent you have a fantastic advantage in the fact that your new body, transformed at the same time as you received your power, is that of a child. Fortunately, you have teleported to almost the perfect place for this, the toilet stall in the bathroom of a crowded shopping mall. It was selected because it is the perfect combination of privacy and the concealment of numbers, with a lot of other people running around nobody would find it strange for a kid who wasn't there before to be leaving the bathroom.

You hear a deep male cough from the next stall over from the guy using it as you reach for the door to the stall. You cringe, realizing that someone else was here. Maybe it was too big a risk to come into a mall that was already crowded, of course, the bathroom would likely be occupied at almost all times. That's not the most immediate problem though. It takes you a moment to realize, but then you remember that you are a girl now. Also, you are wearing a skirt, so there is no way you are going to pass for a boy. You feel your stomach flutter in confusion. You used to be a guy up until a couple hours ago, so you probably thought of the men's bathroom out of habit. You consider using another wormhole to jump over to the women's bathroom, but after this little blunder you are not certain you completely trust your control over your own power. Instead, you swallow some saliva to steel your nerves and slip out of the stall, making a dash for the door. Unfortunately, you are seen on your way out. Just as you are crossing past the sinks, a man with his son walks in.

You break your momentum a little and stammer. "I.. I'm sorry, I went into the wrong bathroom." You mutter. The father has a slight look of surprise on his face and his son, who looks to be around the same age as your transformed self, just looks confused. The father's face turns into a gentle smile as he steps aside.