The Story of Hanna/Memoirs of Princess Hanna - Page Eleven

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Autumn is falling on the kingdom of Nova Albion bringing in dark days and cold. Hidden amongst the autumn winds are whispers of a great calamity. Something truly devastating is about to take place.

You find yourself slowly waking up from your comfortable sleep. There's something uninvited crawling on your bed. You try to move, but this something has your legs restrained. It's not just your legs either, but also your arms. You begin to struggle, but your resistance is futile. The intruder is under you, and on top of you. It's all over you and has you completely in its grasp. What is this intruder? You open your eyes fully too see its true form. Countless blood red fleshy tentacles have taken your naked body. Where did they come from?

They begin to attack, squirming around your skin, pressing into your skin. You try to fight back, but they are far too powerful for you to do anything. They twist and turn you as they force your legs spread open. One tentacle presses against your slit and begins to rub your privates with its full length. Digging into your slit, it forces it open, and presses against your inner labia. Its long strokes tease your clit, draining away all your strength and ability to struggle. Tentacles also rub between your buttocks and against your chest, even pressing against your armpits. It feels almost as if multiple little monsters are licking your body all over. It feels weird more than anything, and only place you honestly feel pleasure from is your crotch. You try to shout and yell for help, but your voice just won't come out. That is when one tentacle also presses against your lips. You press your teeth shut and feel it kiss you. It hurts, but you resist to the end. Something truly huge presses against your vaginal opening. It's the tip of a tentacle, and this one is bigger than the ones that have restrained you. It's massive, way bigger than any dick you've taken in the past. It begins to push, tearing you painfully. You open your mouth to let out a painful scream and your body jerks violently. You find yourself sitting up, drenched in sweat. Swinging your arms and legs in surprise and panic, you're suddenly at the edge of your bed and you fall back first into the floor. Legs still up and arms laying on the floor, you stare at the roof over you. There are no tentacles anywhere to be found. It was just a nightmare, a simple dream.

No, it wasn't just a dream.

You are alone and seemingly safe. As you lay still and try to calm down, you think about what you experienced. It wasn't just any dream. It felt way too real for your comfort, and that's not all. It's not just your body that is sweaty. Your pussy feels hot and your panties, which also are still hot from your fresh sweat, are also a little bit soiled by your clear juice. You touch yourself down there and feel yourself ache. The attempted insertion of a massive tentacle felt real and you can still feel it clearly. The dream, if you can even call it that, was more real than any other dream you've seen before, even more so than the ones that taught you about your past life. You have a fear in your heart about what this all means, because you think you know what it is. It's a curse you've been lucky to not have to deal with in your lifetime.

There are voices coming from outside, along with faint sounds of bells. There is a strange, reddish hue emanating from behind the window. You stand up to pull the curtains apart only to see the city beneath you in flames. Worst of all, there are something even more terrifying than towering flames. There are monsters the size of a tower in the distance, gargantuan eldritch constructs like which you have never even heard of. You instantly recognize it for an eldritch despite never seeing one yourself. It has the same trademark fleshy appearance and long tentacles, and it's exactly what you would expect a large construct to look like. You know the biggest of them can grow up to be the size of an elephant, but those things in front of you are on the scale of whales. No, they're even bigger. Eyeless, formless all-consuming tentacle monsters, taller than any building in the city move slowly around, heading towards the castle. It will still take some time before they reach the walls though. Then, as you look even lower, you come to find out castle walls and gates already fallen. The city and its castle have fallen, and there you are in your tower, like a canary in a cage. There are only two options for escape from where you are now. You can either jump down and die an easy death, or you can run down the stairs where you may or may not find monsters waiting for you. Now, suicide is out of question, but what if enemies are already in the castle, and they're waiting for you? That could be a fate even worse than death. In a quick spur of the moment, you rush to your table, pick up your family heirloom, your ring, the proof of your name as a princess of Nova Albion, and then you run to the door, wearing nothing but your white laced panties and a sleeveless undershirt. There's no way in hell you're staying to change clothes.

After taking the stairs down, you peek behind the corner to find nobody around. There are two ways you can go: You can head towards the throne room, main entrance and the place where most of your parent's quarters along with lie, or you can run to the other end of the castle, towards the royal private quarters where most of your siblings reside, and where the backdoor facing noble's district lie. You regret that you forgot to check the condition those areas were in while you still were in your tower, but at very least the attack seemed to come from the north and the commercial district. Escape routes used by your family lie near the throne room, but it's not safe to go there. You head towards the different direction. And since there are no enemies around, it seems to be the right decision.

You blast past the library, but as you do, a hand grabs into your wrist. A man calls your name. You jerk your hand free and turn towards him in surprise. "Chad?"

"I'm so glad I found you before it's too late. Quickly, we must escape through the secret passage."

"What about others!?" you ask.

"I'm not sure, but…" He ends his reply mid-sentence and changes the topic. "Just keep quiet so they won't hear you, alright? Let's escape the city through noble's district while it's still relatively safe there."

You find yourself in conflict, hesitating. You don't want to leave your family to die - or worse - while you yourself escape. You want to meet them, at least one of them for the last time, and maybe even save one of them. Henrietta's tower is just a short distance away, and the door is still closed. She must still be inside in her tower, either sleeping or waiting, scared. You run towards it, but Chad runs up to you and grabs you, this time by your stomach and waist, with both of his hands. "Let me go!" you yell. He grabs you into air and carries you towards the library as you struggle. "Let me down at once! Henrietta is still in her room! We must save her too!" Something appears into the corner of your eye. There is an eldritch humanoid, a headless tentacle monster in a form of a human, staring into you with its massive eyeball in the middle of the torso. Its stare alone is enough to strike extreme fear to your heart, and there's nothing between it, you and Chad, who seems to be unarmed as well.

"I can't run holding you! You must run with me!" Chad lets you down and you both run to the library. As you do, you see a final glimpse of the monster, as a massive spear of a guardsman pierces it. You don't see it anymore, but you hear two dying screams mixed together. The guard must've taken the monster's life, but the powerful monster took the guard with it. Did the guard hear your voice, or was it just a coincidence that he managed to buy you time? It's impossible for you to know, but you couldn't be more grateful for his final service to you.

You get to the secret entrance before more monsters appear. Chad literally pushes all the books from the shelf to the side, and casts the spell to open up door. You anxiously watch all over you, and you hear voices from outside as the monsters swarm the halls. They must be coming for you and your sister. Door is open, and Chad jerks your arm, dragging you inside. He forces the door shut from the inside, and you both lean against the wall, panting heavily. "We're safe", he says.

You're shaking in fear. The monsters were so close to you. There must've been more of them on the way.

"I think you understand now. There is no hope left for anyone who stays here. Please, at very least, save yourself and escape with me."

You nod, although reluctantly. It dawns on you. Your family and most of the people you ever knew are all either dead or going to die soon, and that's only the lucky ones.

"Let's get you some clothes from the playroom and run to harbor. I've got a boat waiting. Noble's district hasn't been breached, so we have a good chance of escaping." You start to run with him. You're slow, but he's matching your speed. "But it's not guaranteed, so get ready for the worst."

"Yes…!" you reply, out of breath.

It was something you knew from the moment you saw the first monster from the window. The foul curse that has overtaken you was cast by the shapeless shapers, monsters known as the eldritch. Shapeless, because they can take the shape of almost anything and evolve into almost anything. Shapers, because they can shape and corrupt the world around them to their liking as well. They're highly intelligent, dangerous and intolerant of humanoids. Like a blanket, they cast down a curse upon entire cities prior to their attacks to strike fear and break their enemy's morale. It's an effective tactic, because it's very often a good indication of what is very likely to take place should you get captured by them. Had you not escaped, the tentacles of your curse-inflicted nightmare would've probably become a reality, and this reality is not something you're completely safe from yet.

Horrors that the eldritch are capable of are not limited to mindless killing. They rape, they torture, and they mutilate their victims. They use humans like cattle, both for consumption and for breeding purposes. Despite being a sexless race, they're effectively male from the humanoid standpoint because of the fact that they can breed with females of virtually every race on earth. This is part of their nature as shapers; they can shape their consorts to be fit for their offspring.

Honestly, attack of the eldritch has always been something that has been talked about not only in your family but also by everyone in the kingdom. There are yearly drills and mandatory classes in school about what to do in case of a successful invasion. As distant as the possibility of it actually happening felt from the safety of the castle, you had always known it was a possibility, and you had always been prepared for it mentally, or so you thought. Turns out, nothing went as prepared. First of all, you feel like an absolute wreck. No training session or a simulated attack can match the horror of the real thing. And second of all, without Chad, you wouldn't have even managed to escape. Had he not been there, you would've done as you've been taught. You would've ran to your family and tried to escape with them, and that would've most definitely cost you. Sometimes the right procedure on paper is not the best choice in every given situation. Luckily, you didn't have to learn this the most tragic way.

While you take some clothes from the closet, clothes befitting a traveler and a commoner, Chad on the other hand takes a set of elastic hair bands. "Hanna, let's do your hair so you can hide it under the hood."

You nod and turn around, letting him do it. He does quick work. He knows what he's doing, at least to some extent. His work isn't very precise, and the final product isn't pretty. Regardless, it's more than enough for you to hide your hair easily under the hood. You take the hood of a jacket and raise it over your ears.

"Let's continue. We have no time to waste."

You run to the mansion on the other side of the tunnel. There's Trevor along with two young girls, neither of who you recognize. They don't seem to recognize you either. It wasn't because of your disguise, but rather, because they just didn't know how you look. Trevor welcomes you both.

"I was starting to get worried", he says. Then, he glances at you. "Wait… Is that you, Hanna?"

You nod, with your eyes locked to his feet.

"I'm so glad you're safe", he says.

"Let's run to harbor", Chad commands. "My ship's ready to go at moment's notice."

While the noble's district is relatively safe indeed, the harbor isn't. It isn't even close to being in as bad a state as commercial district is, but enemies are already swarming the streets. The entire city around you is filled with soul clenching sounds. Voices of the eldritch, inhumane growls and shouts of these monsters attack your senses like a wall of sound. As horrifying as their voices are, so are the occasional screams of agony, along with cries and wailings of ravished, captured poor souls. Guards are still holding out along with the bravest of citizens and even some adventurers, but you know that it's just to buy time, and to hold out. Most of the people you see fighting now won't be staying alive for much longer.

Behind the corner, you see a massive formless monster reach up to you with its tentacles. It's well within the grabbing range, and it's way too fast for you to escape. You manage to rush past it, but as you expect it to take hold of you, the little girl running behind you becomes the monster's victim instead. You trip because of your surprise and you watch in horror. She starts to scream and struggle violently as tentacles tear into her clothes. In mere seconds, they're under her clothes, and they penetrate her. Not with the intent to kill, but rather with the intent to dominate, rape and impregnate. A horrified small child, just a tiny bit bigger than you, screaming and begging in agony gets raped by tentacles in front of your eyes experiencing a fate that could've just as realistically fallen on you just now as well. It was basically a coin toss; a second's difference and it would have been you.

It's not over yet. Tentacles coil closer to you, and they reach up to you. The monster moves slowly, and you rush to your feet. It grasps your bicep the second you get to your feet, and it begins to pull you. More tentacles are on the way, and when they get you, you will be raped just like the other girl did. Trevor rushes to you and cuts the tentacle with his sword. You fall forward, about to land on your face again, but Chad grabs onto you, hugging you.

"It's no use, Trevor!" Chad yells. "Don't fight it!" You both watch as Trevor swings his sword at the monster. He's forced to back down a little bit, but he won't give up. "Run, you idiot!" Trevor doesn't listen. He's determined to save her. If there's one man that can do it in this harbor, it's Trevor. He's very good at handling swords after all. Having realized that there's no getting to Trevor, Chad decides that it's time to continue without Trevor. "Fuck it then! Hanna, Lotte, let's get out of here! We're almost there!"

"You better get to safety!" Trevor finally yells. You don't look back anymore.

There are a lot of enemies by the piers as well, but they seem to be of the weaker kind, with the largest of them being similar humanoid shaped monsters you saw back in the castle. They're trying to attack the ships, but the guards are holding them back. There are many ships already at sea, and couple of dozen boats still waiting to leave, but it's clear that they can't wait much longer.

You manage to get to Chad's ship. It's a small ship with a capacity to hold no more than twenty people. There are still room for two or three more, and Chad decides to wait for a little while. If you can save someone - anyone - you will. Chad especially wants to save Trevor and the girl that got caught, but they're not coming. Not anymore. Yours is amongst the last ships in this part of the harbor. With enemies closing in and guards not being able to hold much longer, you've got to leave as well.

Safely at the sea, you watch at the burning city and its fallen castle. One of the gargantuan eldritch constructs has already reached the castle, and it's pressing against its towers. The kingdom of Nova Albion is no more. And the rest of your family? They're doomed. You, on the other hand, are on your way to Gallia, to safety…

That day the kingdoms of Albion were wiped off the map, with most of their population dead. Those missing or being held captive by the enemy faced a hell which surely made them wish they were dead too. Some communities may even persist against all odds in the rural areas, but the bottom line is that Albion is no more. Then, there were also people like you, the few who had managed to escape. There truly wasn't many of you, since escaping the island isn't easy even for those living on the coast.

The long war over the control of Albion between its united kingdoms and the eldritch has come to the end, and it has ended in the favor of mankind's enemy. The war you have never even concerned yourself about has destroyed your home. You're left with nothing. With no people to serve under you anymore, even your past status means nothing. In Gallia, your new home going forward, you're going to be nothing but a wretched war orphan. Terrifying as it is to think about it, you are the sole survivor of the royal family of Nova Albion. Your family is gone. They're all dead, save for your sister Henrietta, who is most likely being held as a captive of the eldritch. There is no way they would let her die, especially because of her status as a princess of a now fallen kingdom, and you know for sure that had you stayed with your family, same fate would've surely fallen on you as well.

You wake up, tired and confused. As you open your eyes, you find yourself in an upward position. Tentacles are coiling all over your body. They have grabbed your body, and they're holding you in air. You feel them rub your naked body as if licking it. It's the curse. It has come back to haunt you once more. This time you're certain that you're safe. There's no need to be alarmed; it's just another dream.

As if it was that simple.

No matter if it's a reality or a dream, you don't want to experience what is about to take place, but as the prisoner of your own mind, you can't escape. You know it will be over, but after how much more suffering? Last dream didn't last nearly as long as this one. You know you're dreaming, so why can't you wake up? They've teased you for minutes now. They're trying to get you horny. Your mind and soul don't want it, but your body can't say no. It's reacting on its own. You're getting hot, wet and more sensitive. Those feelings are as vivid as those you would feel while awake. Actually, what if you were actually awake right now? No, that can't be right. Or can it?

Dream or reality, your situation is about to worsen. Involuntarily horny, you're easy target for its massive, bumpy and pulsating demonic rod. Its tip kisses your tiny slit, rubbing it softly around your hole. Legs forced wide open, you try to close them and struggle with all your might, but your body won't move in the grasp of the monster. Tentacles grab onto your body even stronger, coil around your entire torso like a snake about to devour its prey. With a downwards pull of tentacles and an upwards thrust of the massive tentacle, it inserts into you, painfully. A scream of anguish escapes your mouth. Pain you suffer is overwhelmingly great. Unrelenting demonic cock pushes deep and holds you in place as you struggle and scream on top of your lungs and cry hysterically. You snap out of the nightmare, but your screams don't end, for the pain is still present.

You literally feel the entire cabin shake as the door slams open, and Chad rushes in. "What's the matter!? Are you okay!?"

With hands pressed against your head, you scream: "I can't deal with these nightmares!"

He grabs you into his arms and hugs you, trying to calm you. You continue to flail your body, and even punch him in blind rage. "Relax, Hanna! You're fine! They can't hurt you anymore!"

You're getting meeker second by second. Pain is gone, but you can't stop bawling. Why must you go through this even in safety? As if losing everything you've ever known wasn't bad enough.

You are afraid to sleep because you know the nightmares will roll in the moment you do, and it's driving you insane. Your body needs rest, but you're afraid of the curse. Nevertheless, after staying awake for maddening two full days and one full night, you can't take anymore.

Trip through the sea is over, and you've arrived in a foreign kingdom. You're too tired to process anything around you. The only things that are keeping you awake are the blinding sunlight and the singing of the seagulls. Chad leads you inside a building, and as soon as the door closes, you feel like collapsing. Chad takes hold of you, carrying you in his arms, and he whispers: "You're safe here, Hanna."

"I don't want to fall asleep…" you whisper. "I don't want to experience another nightmare."

"I'll be by your side, so just sleep. The curse is weakening, so don't worry. It will be over soon." He carries you upstairs. Not just one set of stairs, but three. He enters some room and walks you to a bed. As soon as your body hits the sheets, you fall asleep.

It doesn't take long for the curse to kick in. Just like you feared, you're back to that place; the torture chamber that is set up inside your own head. You feel intoxicated from the very start but in a weird way, also a little detached from what is going on. It is as Chad said. The curse is getting weaker. You don't feel what is happening to you as strongly as you used to. But that is not necessarily a good thing.

Tentacles penetrate you like they did last time. This time, there is no pain. There is barely any pleasure either. Only thing you perceive vividly is the horrifying visual. The tentacle begins to move. Its movements are slow, with inserts being a slightly faster. The tip goes almost all the way out of your vagina, only to slam forcefully against your cervix. Your body jerks with every thrust. There is nothing that can make this stop. The strong emotions you used to feel in your previous dreams were the catalyst for you to awaken, but there's none of that this time. You can't wake up. There is no escape from your nightmare.

Fast thrusts are making your body feel weak and horny. It feels strong and vivid, but there is no release. You can't even orgasm. Your rapist, however, can. It stops deep inside you and cums a massive load straight into your womb. But that is not the end, as the tentacles continue to ravage your body. It merely stopped for a fraction of a minute to impregnate you. But surely this won't go all the way to that, right?

You can't even imagine how long has it been. Maddening, restless sleep continues to keep you a prisoner. Your stomach is bulging, and it's getting bigger. Suddenly, you feel movement. It's not just kicking as you would expect from a baby. Rather, it feels abnormal. It's constant moving, and it won't stop. It feels absolutely sickening to you. So sickening in fact, that you could almost puke. No, it does make you puke. You jerk back up from your dream coughing violently. Laying on the edge of the bed, you cough out clear stomach acid on the floor. There is nothing else to vomit, because you haven't eaten anything. You can't even cry. You just feel so defeated and powerless. A familiar man walks up to you and offers you a glass of water. You take it and drink it all down in one go. Refreshed, you lay back down on your back and close your eyes. He really did keep his promise. He said he would stay by your side.

"It must have been horrible", he says. "Are you feeling any better?"

'How could I?' You don't have the strength to utter those words. You, however, try to convince him and at the same time yourself as well, that you are feeling at least a little better, and nod.

"Do you want me to stay here?"

Those end up being the last words you hear before you fall asleep once again. And on that note, you don't have another of the curse infused nightmares this time around.

You don't know for how long Chad stayed in your room, but by the time you wake up next morning, he's gone. For a while it upsets you, but the rational half of your brain understands that he has things to take care of, and he can't be by your side all the time. Besides, he did arrange you a little breakfast. You are feeling terrible, feeling like you can't eat even though you're starving, but you force yourself to eat everything, not only for your own sake, but also to show Chad he doesn't have to worry about you so much.

Not having groomed yourself in a while, you're feeling dirty and uncomfortable, but luckily, this problem is an easy one to fix. For the first time since you were displaced, you brush your teeth and take a bath. As you undress and reveal your naked body though, you can't help but to imagine yourself being ravaged. It's almost as if your curse is tormenting while you're wide awake. It's hard for you to brush it all off, and closing your eyes just makes it worse. Regardless of that, taking a bath ends up being the best decision you could do at the time, and it helps you relax. You end up lying motionless in the bath, thinking about what your life is going to be like going forward.

It is hard for you to appreciate your freedom so soon after the tragedy, but there was nothing you could do, and nothing you can do to change it. You have to move on. You don't know if you can ever fully get over it, but at least you're positive you're going to get better.