Universe Remote/Jeremy/Read even more of the manual first

From All The Fallen Stories
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You want to know as much as possible about this thing before you start using it. The thought boggles your mind in an instant. Had you not already been sitting, you would be now. You slump in your chair as the enormity of what the remote can do washes over you. You really need to know more before you use this on the environment . . . let alone people. You pull the book open to the page you stopped on and begin to read. As the most boring thing ever written pours through your mind, you struggle to the best of your ability to make sense of it; and most of all . . . to stay awake. As the novel sized manual drones on you fade . . .

"Jeremy," you are awakened by the voice of your elder sister Ellen. The closest to you in age, you would think you had more in common . . . but she is WAY beyond your level intellectually. You yawn, and suddenly realize that you fell asleep reading the manual. Concerned, you look frantically around.

"Are you looking for these?" asks Ellen as she holds up the Universe Remote in one hand, and somehow manages to hold up the manual in the other. "This manual has to be the worst written thing I've ever read."

"You read the whole thing?" you ask in amazement.

"Well, yes," replied Ellen, "it took me days of subjective time . . . but when you can pause time; it isn't really an issue." Damn! The thing can pause time . . . of course it can pause time. You probably would have found that out by just pressing the pause button.

"What do you plan to do?" you ask her cautiously.

What does she plan to do?