Life Hacks/(Inf/Lox)-(Preg)/Virgin-maybe (Wells House/Danica-finish)

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Well... uhh..." you try to think for a moment about how to approach this. You want to try playing it coy in order to see how much more she will offer, but you can tell she's feeling kinda guilty about going wild and passing out while having sex with you now since you've framed it as having scared you as well as Danica. One wrong move that looks like you're hesitating too much could easily spiral her down into a deeper chasm of guilt. "I'm not really sure yet." You decide to leave it open like that.

"Hmm..." Trish responds and nods. "I can respect that. The rule here is that sex is fine so long as both people agree to it, so I won't pressure you on this. Danica really seemed to enjoy having sex with you. I was actually very surprised. She's always been very hesitant around sex, I had thought she was picking up bad messages from her friends. Maybe she is just shy about doing things with girls, or... maybe she likes you." She says this with a bit of a catty and suggestive smile.

Trish stands up and begins collecting the towels from the floor. "Anyway, if you do decide you want to try having sex with Danica again, so long as she says it's Ok I won't get in your way again. Oh! I guess I should ask though. Was there maybe someone else in this house you wanted to try something sexual with? The same rules apply of course, if they say they don't want to then you have to respect that."