Life Hacks/(Inf/Lox)-(Preg)/Everybody (Wells House/Danica-open end)

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Well, actually," you say, finally seeing a good angle of approach that can get you exactly what you want. "I think most of why I'm uneasy about this is that I didn't really know what I was doing when I was having sex with Danica." That's a blatant lie, but this is how you've decided to sell it to Trish. It's more believable than being an expert at sex if you're supposed to be a virgin after all. "Anyway, it was scary when you passed out, but I actually felt a lot better when you were teaching us about sex. I actually kinda wouldn't mind trying to have sex with everyone else here, maybe you can teach us all how at the same time!"

"Really!?" Trish responds. "Well, that sounds like a pretty good idea actually, I'm glad to hear I was able to help you though. I was afraid I might have given you some kind of permanent trauma for a bit there. Sure, I'll call everyone after I get the laundry started, and then you kids can all have fun experimenting with all the sex you want to while I'm making dinner. Would you be fine if I asked you and Danica to demonstrate for everyone else?"

"Yeah, that's fine." You tell her. It really wouldn't be right to string her along on this put-on trauma thing anymore now that you've completely dispelled that one. Besides, it's not like you actually mind doing it with her again.

"That's great!" She says. "How about you and Danica go get Siobhan and your sister. It would probably be best for you to be the one to get your sister out of the shower anyway, she may feel more comfortable with her brother being the first thing she sees if she is supposed to be going out into this house naked. You can have Danica help you to find everyone's room."

Trish seems to walk with an extra little bounce in her step as she leads the way out of the bathroom with her arms full of semen-covered towels and yours and Danica's clothes. She calls out to Danica and tells her to go with you to call everyone down since she has something important to tell everybody. The naked little 8 year old comes when she is summoned and gives you a shy smile when her mother gives those instructions.

"Ok." She croaks out, her voice actually breaking a little. Danica steps forward and takes hold of your hand. "Common!" She says in a small but clearly rather happy voice as she begins leading you by the hand. You can see the little 5 year old Ellie is sitting back at the table, now without a stitch of cloths on her. Well, that's one down from the collection list, you suppose that only leaves two more. Danica leads you to the stairs and the two of you go up together. Now then, who should you deliver the message to first?