Offline/Blow off your sister

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Go away Emma!" you say it a little too loudly, but your adrenaline is pumping. Thankfully Nicole is already several strides away from you.

"But what were you d-"

"Seriously! You're so annoying!"

"Justice," calls dad. "Be nice to your sister! Emma, leave him be!"

"But I didn't do anything!" she whines.

Luckily your sis doesn't push beyond that but everything feels really tense for the next few minutes. Asha pulls Emma away to continue playing. Nicole avoids you, chatting up various relatives and doing lazy laps a short distance away. You mostly squat by yourself in the water, still hard as a rock despite your interrupting sister. All you can think about are the few precious seconds you just had with Nicole's tight pussy sinking down onto your cock. It was so brief, so surreal, it's hard to not dismiss it as just a crazy daydream. And yet it totally happened. For one wondrous moment your dick was buried inside your nerdy cousin while surrounded by your entire family.

You watch Nicole swim around, kinda creepily if you're honest. At some point you catch her eye and she smiles, but then turns and swims away. After a bit more chatting, she swims out to the diving rock and hoists herself out of the water. Standing above the surface, the water cascades off her unclothed body with a reflective sheen. Nicole is entirely unconcerned and lifts her arms up to collect her hair in much the same way you've seen her do over the course of several mornings to put in her ponytail. But standing wet and naked in the afternoon sun is something else. Every gentle line, every subtle curve of her compact nubile body is fully lit and on utter display; the tits you've squeezed, the slit you've fingered, all of it. You're dick throbs in the current at the sight of yo-


You're so startled by the hand that lands on your shoulder that you almost yell.


Uncle Mike leans close. "At least pretend not to stare, alright?"

"I... I dunno..." Embarrassed to have been caught, you stammer like an idiot and then look away. Unfortunately you miss Nicole's dive off the rock. Stupid Uncle Mike. You're sure you weren't staring that hard. How are you supposed to 'pretend' not to stare anyway?

Nicole eventually works her way back to you, but you mostly just swim near each other. After spending what feels like an appropriate amount of time playing around and being present with your family, you exit the water with Nicole and borrow a towel from your parents. It's more like mom forces a towel on you, but whatever. While drying off you try really hard to keep your stiffy down with Nicole bending over at the waist to dry her legs beside you, but that's been a constant struggle lately. After meticulously getting yourselves dressed you walk aimlessly back into camp.

You and Nicole still haven't talked about what happened in the water and it doesn't seem like she wants to. Not that she isn't talking. She's yapping your ear off actually, not leaving a moment to silence. You do want to bring it up but you're okay waiting, maybe even forever. To be honest, you just feel weirdly happy right now. Are you a man now? You were actually inside of a girl. It's all really exciting, but you aren't about to ruin your cousin's good mood either, so besides a stupid ass grin you can't wipe off your face you don't say anything.

After a few laps around a mostly empty camp, you spot your very naked little sister running together with Asha. She's holding her wet panties and top in one hand while hardly bothering to cover herself. You wondering if she managed to sneak off without mom noticing. Given that mom attacked you with a towel and Em is still soaking wet that seems the most likely possibility.

You 'pretend' to not pay attention, but you notice the two girls stop in the doorway of a cabin, chatting and giggling for some time. But as you and Nicole walk closer they finally duck inside.

Other beach goers slowly stream back into camp. You and Nicole join in on a few activities that get thrown together, first tag with the kids, then frisbee with Jet and a few others which is then followed by a weird capture the flag where no one can quite agree on the rules. But at least it kills time until dinner.

Tonight feels like a full on feast with lots of food on offer, even though much of it just came from cans, the leftovers from the week. Uncle Dave has his guitar out the moment he's done eating and provides unrequested entertainment as the sun begins its descent behind the trees.

"I can't believe this is the last night."

"I know." You swear Nicole almost said 'our' last night. "It sucks."

She discreetly grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. "I wanna get changed. K?"

You nod, only to find her pulling you with her as she walks away. When you get back to your isolated cabin she tells you to wait outside. That's really not what you were hoping for considering she dragged you out here, but when she steps out a minute later you aren't disappointed. She does a cheeky twirl to show off her airy swim cover turned naughty dress.

"Wow! Are... you sure you want to wear that again?" Your surprise is genuine, as is your concern.

She shrugs. "Sure. The sun's going down, so I think it's okay. Besides, I don't know if I'll ever wear it again after this trip. Not without a swimsuit anyway..."

"Okay, well, after you!"

"Actually," she pauses. "Could you maybe get changed too?"

Looking down, you don't see anything wrong with what you're wearing. "I guess. But changed into what?"

"I think it'll help if you wear your swim trunks. I mean, no one will question us if, y'know... like we both look ready to swim."

You're not entirely sold, but you agree and head inside. A quick swap later and you exit wearing your swimming trunks. "Better?"

"Hmm... can I make one change?"

You raise an eyebrow. "Uh, I guess?"

Nicole steps right up to you, grabs the hem of your shirt, and lifts it up your body. You raise your arms to let her strip you of your top. She tosses it inside the cabin then gives you a solid once-over before nodding.

"Much better," she smiles, but with a hint of something else. It's something between apologetic and inappropriate, but you aren't given a chance to figure it out. She grabs your hand and tugs you back onto the trail and off to the after-dinner entertainment.

Nicole's attempt to avoid people's questions didn't work. If anything you feel like you're drawing extra attention walking around with your shirt off. It's not that your skin exudes animal magnetism or you're some hunky beast of a teenager, more that you've hardly walked around shirtless this whole time and doing so for the hell of it now is just a little bit douchey. So more than once you two get questioned about why you've suddenly changed. Nicole is quick to answer that you might go swimming again, which garners replies ranging from ‘You shouldn't swim after dark," to "See if anyone else wants to go."

After getting badgered, the two of you retreat to the edge of camp. It's still not past sunset yet and you sense that Nicole is just waiting for that darkness to offer her that extra level of protection so she can run wild.

Give Nicole another dare

Tell Nicole how you feel about her