Offline/Keep staring at your little sis

From All The Fallen Stories
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You feel really weird leering at your sister up close like this, and even more since she's younger than you and you know that's wrong. Skin is skin though, and her girl parts are the same as every other girl. You haven't seen many (any?) stripped down girls so close before so you're willing to check out your sister out of sheer curiosity, just this once. You do your best to not point the light near her face so you can forget who you're staring at.

"There. Geez, all I needed was my nightie."

She pulls the well buried sleepwear over her head and twists it downward, the garment lucky to hit her mid thigh. It looks more like a shirt than a nightie, but you're no clothing expert. Come to think of it, the hemline of her t-shirt was really high too. Either she's still really attached to her old clothes or dad's too cheap to restock her entire closet.

Emma finds a comb among the mess and walks back to her sleeping bag to run it through her hair, leaving all of her crap strewn around you. Biting your tongue, you pick up her stuff and shove it all back in her bag piece by piece, her discarded belongings refusing to go back in as easily as they came out.

You toss the refilled bag aside and try to get back to reading.

"Can you turn off the light please? I wanna go to sleep."

First there's not enough light. Now there's too much. Gawd your sister is annoying.

"I will when I'm done."

"When's that?" she asks.

"When I'm done," you repeat, trying to hunker down. You can't even finish a paragraph before...

"Are there ghosts out here?"


"Ghosts. Are there ghosts in the woods? Is this place haunted?"

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Yeah," she says very plainly. "There was this one tim-"

"Then yes, there are ghosts," you snip, hoping to shut her up.

"Really?! Can you tell me a ghost story?"

Fucking hell...

"Sure. The ghost of old man... Stabbington likes to break into cabins out here and kill people. But don't worry, he only kills little girls who annoy their brothers and never stop talking."

"Ha ha. Very funny. That's not a real story."

"Fine, I won't stop him then. Try to keep the screaming down when he's knifing you to death. Now leave me alone, I'm trying to read," you finally blurt out, exasperated.

Miraculously she does shut up for a change. You try to focus on your book but you're too distracted and annoyed to retain anything, restarting the same paragraph again and again. After a while you give up, turn off your flashlight, strip down to your boxers and get in your sleeping bag.


"What," you flatly reply.

"N- nevermind."

You roll your eyes and gradually fall asleep, your irritation keeping you up later than you'd like.


"Justice? Justice wake up."

It's still dark out, hardly any light coming in from the moon or stars. But your sister is kneeling beside you gently shaking your shoulder.


"I heard something. I'm scared."

"What?" You sit up, annoyed and groggy. "What was it?"

Crouched, your sis pulls the hem of her nightie down over her knees, balling herself up and gently rocking to and fro. "I dunno... it's just... I thought I heard... y'know..."

"Wait, this isn't because of Stabbington, is it?" She doesn't respond but she does stop rocking, as if he'll appear when he hears his name. "Look sis, he's not real, okay?"

"I know, but... I can't sleep. Can you protect me?"

You go back and forth with her for a while, but you're too tired to fight. You open your sleeping bag with a groan and usher your sister inside. She fits, barely. With you on your back she has enough room to lay next to you, but the bag is far from comfy now. Of course that's not a problem for her because she promptly cuddles up into you, seeking protection from Mr. Stabbington. You can recall dad complaining about Emma crawling into their bed all the time. You didn't think she was still doing it though.

Since it's your fault that she's scared you resign yourself to the role of comforter. You wrap your arm around her and let her nestle her head into your shoulder, her feet tucking under your legs. You've never shared your bed - let alone your sleeping bag - with anyone before, but it is kind of nice to have someone cozying up to you and seeking your protection. It's equally as annoying to have to restrict your movement, as well as plenty awkward as your brain forces you to recall your little sister standing over you in nothing but her panties, but you take the good with the bad and eventually manage to drift back to sleep.


You awaken to the sound of knuckles rapping wood. You blearily look around before realizing that Emma is already opening the door.

"Rise and shine!"

"Daddy!" she yells, throwing herself at your father. "Last night was so scary!"

"Why, pumpkin? What's wrong?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about old Stabman."

"Stabbington," you correct her, then promptly add. "It was just a dumb story."

"But don't worry daddy, he didn't stab me!"

"Well... I'm glad you two are getting along," dad replies with a raised eyebrow. "I wanted to make sure you didn't miss breakfast."

Protest dad's wake up call Request Uv001 (talk) 15:00, 20 December 2018 (CET)

Ask dad to take Emma