Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Vaginal sex/Uncomfortable/Inside/Ask/False answer

From All The Fallen Stories
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(Note: Additional options appear, drop down if this option is selected in game. All options results shown here.)

  • Make her think it came from her

"That stuff comes out of little girls when a boy plays with their privates inside." You tell her.

(Doesn't know about semen, hasn't seen semen, social naivete 16+) or (Knows about or has seen semen, social naivete 31+)

"Mmmm..." Hannah groans, staring down at the stuff coming out of her. It looks like she might believe you.

(Doesn't know and hasn't seen semen, social naivete <16) or (Doesn't know or hasn't seen semen, social naivete 16-30)

"Mmmm..." Hannah groans, staring down at the stuff coming out of her with a confused look on her face. She seems like she might believe you, but she likely doubts what you've told her.

(Knows semen, has seen semen, social naivete 31+)

"Huh!?" Hannah responds and looks down more intently at your stuff flowing out of her. She looks at it carefully and then looks back up at you. It seems like she was definitely expecting you to say something else.

(Unified options list)

  • Tell her it's milk that comes from a man's penis

"It's milk," you tell her. "Girls make milk out of their breasts, boys make milk out of their penis."

(Doesn't know about semen, hasn't seen semen, social naivete 16+) or (Knows about or has seen semen, social naivete 31+)

"Really?" She responds, looking up at you with a somewhat surprised innocent look before looking intensely back at your stuff leaking from her privates.

(Doesn't know and hasn't seen semen, social naivete <16) or (Doesn't know or hasn't seen semen, social naivete 16-30)

"What?" She responds, looking up at you with surprise and then her head snaps back to stare intently at your stuff leaking from her privates.

(Knows semen, has seen semen, social naivete 31+)

"Huh!?" Hannah responds and looks down more intently at your stuff flowing out of her. She looks at it carefully and then looks back up at you. It seems like she was definitely expecting you to say something else.

(Unified options list)

  • Tell her a small part of the truth, say that it's "love juice."