Talk:Slut Virus/Report
Looks promising, this page in particular would need some work though, seeing as it is supposed to be an official medical document.
Birth rates are 83.333333335% female and 16.666666667% male (5 to 1 ratio)
You didn't sign your comment here, but yes. I kind of wrote this in about half an hour with no real break for research. I'll be giving it another pass or two. In the meantime, I will clarify that the Committee is sort of the replacement government that grew out of the remnants of the US government. They're much less formal than the old regime but would still attempt to be slightly more exacting. I really should do a full write-up on them and other institutions that arose in the aftermath of the Change. A major part of the new society is that sex toys for girls are the #1 toy product. They outsell every other toy category by a large margin. The most popular toy of 2044 is Baby's First Ball Gag followed closely by Padded Preteen Nipple Clamps. --Quiller (talk) 04:13, 2 January 2019 (CET)