Offline/Go find something more interesting to do

From All The Fallen Stories
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Growing bored standing out here doing nothing, you wander back to camp without the girls. Everyone seems real lazy today so there's not a lot going on. You saunter down to the beach with some minor expectation by now of seeing some skin, but the water is empty with only your college-bookworm cousin Lizzy reading next to the river. Granted, the thick clouds in the sky don't exactly make for good sunbathing right now. Instead you end up wrangling your cousin Nicole and a few of the adults into throwing a frisbee around, friendly chatter and banter helping to pass the time. You ponder whether you'll be able to get away with drinking beer again tonight, then wonder whether the girls would be better or worse to deal with if they (or at least you) were drunk.

A pack of rabid youngsters fly through the center of camp, Yulia among them and now donning Asha's two-piece. There's no sign of the girls though. Of course you don't bother thinking about them for long once this familiar bikini snags your attention. Of course it's not quite as you remember it. The bottoms look to be weirdly knotted, bouncing and twisting about as she runs. The top hasn't been adjusted at all, sitting low on her chest with the horizontal strap drooping to her lower back. It doesn't suit her at all, but she also looks stupid happy in her ill-fitting suit and is headed straight for the water with the other kids presumably to test it out.

Despite all those clouds rolling in it still feels nice out so hardly anyone seems to notice the impending storm. But when a few droplets start to hit the camp and you see the adults scramble you're reminded of a very important fact: you left a window open in your cabin.

Still no sign of the girls, you run back to the cabin alone and manage to close the rickety pane of glass early enough to protect your things from the elements. But then you talk yourself into heading back out worried that your sis won't be able to find the cabin. You nearly make it back to camp before meeting Asha and Emma rushing toward you on the trail. All three of you race to the safety of your cabin, the rain steadily increasing in intensity. It really starts to pour as you duck inside, but the clothes on your back are only a little more than damp.

"We almost got soaked!" your sis exclaims, dancing out of her shoes. She tucks her hands into her sides then slips them behind the patch on her overalls either for warmth or to dry them. Emma and Asha peek out the window as the wind kicks up and pelts the glass with rain. It could've turned out real bad if you didn't get here in time to close that window.

The girls explain that they were out in the bush trying to make up a secret dance routine to try to show off (your words, not theirs) at the campfire tonight. Despite the storm dashing those plans, the girls are apparently already very invested in this idea and get right back into planning and practicing once the spectacle of angry sheets of rain smacking your cabin loses its novelty.

Emma and Asha take turns singing different parts of some pop song and coming up with different moves to fill out a whole routine. It seems kinda dumb to do it without music or anything so you tease them about that hoping to push them to do something else, but that only makes them defensive and press on without you.

Annoyed but hoping to wait it out, you shut your mouth, pull out your drawing pad and quietly doodle away while they brainstorm and test out all sorts of silly moves. But their focus and dedication is surprising. They do this for a solid hour, the rain beating against the roof, before they ask you to be their audience so they can try out their routine 'for real'. You've be sitting in front of them this whole time, in fact they've basically been tripping over you, so you could probably do their routine by now, but whatever.

Turns out they've been rehearsing two different songs (you failed to catch that since all you've heard are common pop lyrics) so you have nearly 10 minutes of awkward musicless dancing and more than one restart after both girls get out of sync. It's a little painful, but it is at least a little bit fun to see Asha hop, spin, and stretch in Emma's tight clothes. Emma is technically wearing even less if you're going by square inches of coverage and those airy overall shorts seem to float around her body at times, moving all by itself and illustrating how little it's doing to protect her, but you feel less guilt staring at your cousin than your sister.

The girls high five and hug once they get all the way through both songs. Asha sits down to rest but Emma turns to you with interest since you're the sole member of their audience. "So? Whaddayou think?"

Gush praise and suck up to them

Explain what they're really missing