Daycare manager/Obedience

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New version of obedience. Obedience will now be assigned levels, and various actions the child will accept just because they are obeying what you say.

For the most part, this obedience functions as an alternate method to receive an "uncomfortable" result. However, there is an absolute obedience line at 90 obedience where they will even permit you to do things they hate in accordance with their naivete being low enough to know it's wrong.

There is also the category of general behavior determined by obedience.

Good behavior Vs. bad behavior

How well behaved they are in terms of being a good child by normal standards.

0-5: Very badly behaved, gets into trouble a lot. Will not obey orders. (possible to get the most extreme punishment worthy scenes, such as raping or seriously injuring other children) 6-10: Badly behaved, gets into trouble a lot. Will obey if they feel like it. (possible to get all but the most extreme punishment worthy scenes, scenes they can get include exposing themselves or intentionally peeing on the floor.) 11-15: Poorly behaved, gets into trouble a lot. Will obey if they feel like it. (possible to get all the more normal misbehavior scenes, such as bullying other children) 16-20: Somewhat poorly behaved, gets into trouble often enough. Will stop and respond to scolding and obey reasonable orders as long as they are being watched. (possible to get most of the more normal misbehavior scenes, might be in a bully's posee or go somewhere they are not supposed to) 21-30: Reasonable behavior, gets into trouble but does not seem to seek it out. Will obey all reasonable orders and do not have to be constantly watched. (possible to get the more normal misbehaviors such as sneaking candies or going somewhere they are probably not supposed to) 31-40: Reasonably well behaved, does not get into trouble often. Will argue with unreasonable or unfair orders, but otherwise does their best to obey all reasonable orders. (Most misbehaviors include failure to fulfill reasonable responsibilities.) 41-50: Well behaved, rarely if ever gets into trouble. Will complain about unreasonable or unfair orders, but will obey them as long as they are not in violation of the social norms (such as removing clothing or submitting to sex) (Will not misbehave, any punishments will have to be contrived.) 50+: Very well behaved. Does not get themselves into trouble. Will accept unfair orders with some complaint so long as it's not something that violates the social norms (such as removing clothing or submitting to sex,) and may even accept some of those orders so long as their obedience is high enough (see permissiveness section.)

Actions they will allow

How permissive they will be in regards to you taking sexual advantage of them because they are too obedient to resist you on this subject.

Relevant naivete knowledges

(temporary list of naivete knowledges that can influence this section)

Has heard

  • You shouldn't let other people touch your privates (3)
  • You can let other people touch your privates if you are old enough (0)
  • A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates
  • Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for
  • Babies are made when mommies and daddies do something called "sex"
  • Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina
  • Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis
  • The semen comes out when the penis feels good
  • The semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina
  • There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to

Has seen

  • someone having oral/anal/vaginal sex (Lv. 2+)
  • someone being raped

Has been taught

  • (All "has been taught" knowledges are relevant)

Has experienced

  • Consensual oral, anal, or vaginal sex
  • Non-consensual oral, anal, or vaginal sex


  • (All "understands" knowledges are relevant)

Relevant lewd or inappropriate acts

Flat naivete mod. -1 Lv. per 20 points of naivete, round up)

Taking them to the bathroom

  • Base:Lv. 1 + 1 Lv. per 2 years of age (round down)
  • Relevant modifiers:
    • Has been taught the difference between boys and girls (+1 if you are opposite their gender)
    • Has been taught to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them (+1)
    • Understands the basics of sex (+1)
    • Has experienced any non-consensual sexual contact (+1 for uncomfortable, +2 for hate)
    • You have molested them in the bathroom (+2 for uncomfortable, +3 for hate, overwrites the above entry.)

  • Having them take off their clothes with an excuse (Lv. 5)
  • Having them take off their clothes without an excuse(Lv. 6)
  • Touching breasts with excuse(Lv. 5)
  • Touching breasts without excuse(Lv. 6)
  • Touching genitals with excuse(Lv. 6)
  • Touching genitals without excuse(Lv. 7)
  • Having them touch your genitals(Lv. 7)
  • Oral sex(Lv. 8)
  • Anal sex(Lv. 8)
  • Safe vaginal sex(Lv. 8) (NOTE: Pre-pubescent sex counts as "safe sex")

Risky vaginal sex(Lv. 8)

  • Relevant subtract level modifiers
    • (has heard)You can let other people touch your privates if you are old enough (0)
    • (has heard)A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates
    • (has heard)Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for
    • (has heard)The semen comes out when the penis feels good
    • (has seen)someone having oral/anal/vaginal sex (double effect if it was in the daycare)
    • (has experienced) consensual oral, anal, or vaginal sex
    • (understands) how to perform sexually
    • (has been taught) anything to do with sex if they are currently in the "naive" category.
  • Relevant plus level modifiers
    • (has heard)You shouldn't let other people touch your privates
    • (has heard)Babies are made when mommies and daddies do something called "sex"
    • (has heard)Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina
    • (has heard)Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis
    • (has heard)The semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina
    • (has heard)There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to
    • (has seen)someone being raped (double effect if it is in the daycare)
    • (has experienced) non-consensual sex (cancels double effect above, and this one and the one above do not stack)
    • (has been taught) anything to do with sex if they are currently in the "non-naive" category.
    • (understands) any understanding knowledge other than "how to perform sexually"