Apotheosis/Dione/Backstory/Dione, nine years old

From All The Fallen Stories
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During the next three years of your life you would receive the life your mother was never able to give you. Anubis gave you only the finest; the finest food, the finest clothes, the finest hygiene and care, and the finest room you could've ever asked for. Your extravagant home laid by the sea, very close to the harbor, with a clear view towards the Pharos Lighthouse outlooking the coastline. It housed only you and Anubis as permanent residents, but had three extra bedrooms used primarily by guests, and five smaller bedrooms serving as quarters for servants, out of which only two were used daily. They were Helga and his older brother, a butler called Wallace.

You spent your first two years of school being homeschooled. Anubis felt like it was too early to release you to the hectic atmosphere that was the local school. For starters, it would've been embarrassing to you, since you would've been the only kid who couldn't write or read properly, and you lacked basic manners as well. You didn't even know what a spoon was when you were supposed to have your first ever meal in your new home. The second reason was that he wanted to teach you about your powers on the side as well. It was in your best interest to learn at your own pace at the comfort of your home. Was he worried about you being bullied for being homeschooled once you actually got to school? No, because homeschooling is a very popular option for rich kids, and it's also something that other kids tend to look up to. Class means a lot in Egypt and is very much revered, even more so than anywhere in the Mediterranean or north-eastern Atlantic region. At best, the other kids see the homeschooled children as the cool kids. At worst, they will just be jealous of you. Neither extreme was ever the case for you.

In Egypt preschool is a three-year long process for children to go through to prepare for some serious schooling. During these three years, children will never be given homework, and they will only have to go to school three days a week. Often preschool facilities also hold daycare services, so kids can be there at all times if they want to, or if they have to. Extra attendance is always a good thing. Kids will be taught only manners and some elementary classes about mathematics, reading and writing, but rarely anything beyond that. All the text books are story books, so it never feels like a school. Since you were homeschooled, you had to study a lot, per the wishes of Anubis, against your own wishes. It was necessary though, and made you grateful on the long run, so whatever.

While you were homeschooled, you also made a couple of friends. There would be often visitors coming to meet Anubis, bringing their kids with them, and you would also visit other children. You would also become a little more active on the streets, hanging out with your friends in parks, sometimes even in places where your parents wouldn't allow you to go. You broke curfew pretty much every time you got out. Sometimes you got punished for it. Other times, you were forgiven. You were already beginning to change as a person, and once you got to the first grade, you were pretty much a different person from the shy, yet curious girl you were when you were in the orphanage.

At nine years old, you're more happy with your life that you've ever been before. It kinda feels unbelievable to be where you are now, but your life ain't a dream. You're on the top of the world - at least as far as Egypt goes - and what a honor and a privilege it is to have the life you've been gifted.

So, what kind of girl have you become? First and foremost, you've become pretty, and by pretty I mean really, really pretty. Sure, it can be argued that you've always been cute and pretty, but womanly charm only goes so far when you've barely outgrown diapers and pacifiers. Now, you're much more than that; you're fit, slim, healthy, athletic, and depending on where one's taste lie, piping hot and sexy. Your black hair is very simple, smoothly straightened out and long enough to reach your nipples. Speaking of which, you still have no signs of boobs. Yeah, what the hell is taking them so long? None of your friends are as flat as you. You're about as tall as the other girls your age though, so that's good.

You're not only starting to look like a proper girl - clearly distinguishable from the boys from every angle - but you're also starting to act like a girl. Well, sort of, anyway. You are bold and eccentric for a child, mostly because of your mischievous streak. Pranking is in your nature. You're no snob, but you have an expensive taste when it comes to clothing. That's fine for Anubis, as long as he doesn't have to buy you clothes he deems to be inappropriate. You yourself would love to wear skimpy clothes that show more of your skin and the cute curves of your prepubescent body, but you must listen to your guardian. He doesn't buy you much jewelry though. They're seen as a rewards of sorts, for when you either behave exceptionally, or when you perform well in your studies. Because of this, truth be told, your box of gems is small and sparse.

You've also become more confident and outgoing, and you don't really like staying at home. Outdoor activities and sports fit you much more than reading and studying. You've done too much of that already, and that's not the life you want to live. As also alluded before, you've become a rebellious, and a troublemaker. When you were younger, you used to look up to the people like you are yourself today. You're proud to have succeeded, even if the adults may not always appreciate your attitude. True to what you've been taught though, you never commit crimes. Had your life gone a different way, maybe you would've stolen in the interest of self-preservation like your early role models did, but luckily, you don't have to worry about that.

Most importantly, you've become promiscuous. The best way to describe your sexuality is to call you a nine-year-old girl with the raging hormones of a fifteen-year-old boy. You see sex everywhere, and you're very versatile. Top or bottom, straight or gay, younger or older, you literally don't care which corner of the sexuality spectrum your partner leans towards. Forget about being bi-sexual; you're omnisexual. You're also a virgin, because… Well, you haven't had any real opportunities to pop your cherry. Your only sexual contacts ever were in that orphanage. Ever since then, you've only become crazier. You've learned A LOT; probably a lot more than you should know about, but not as much as you think you know about. You're still relatively innocent, but that's not because of your desire to be innocent, but because of your age and inexperience.

The bottom line is, your lust has been unfulfilled for far too long. You plan on turning a new leaf in the school, and what a playground it is going to be.

You are going to be educated in the library of Alexandria, arguably the most elite education facility on this side of the Mediterranean Sea. They are the frontrunners of scientific development in the world, and it's arguably the best place to study in regardless of subject. You are going to be taught in the same class with nobles, in the very same halls some of the most brilliant minds in the history of Egypt and beyond have walked before you. Even the crown prince himself is rumored to be in the same class as you are.

It's the first day of the school, and you're sitting behind your little pulpit next to the window facing the ocean. You're a little bit of a black sheep in the group, since you're not actually a noble. Like Anubis, you belong to the priest class, but because of his wealth, you're effectively a noble. This alone does not make you a weird one out though, because you're not the only non-noble by far. What does make you stand up way more is the fact that you were born a nomad. You want to be honest from the start to not give anyone any wrong impressions, so you tell the truth to everyone out loud as you introduce yourself to the class. Lucky for you, nobody has a problem with you being adopted; they respect you regardless, probably because of the third fact why you're different. Or is it fear? Either way, you're the sole divine in the class of twenty posh kids. Combine that with the nature of your power and you've got a recipe for a metric fuckton of respect that no kid can deny.

You don't have many real friends in the class yet though, but you're sure that will change. In fact, you only know one of your classmates from your past and that's a girl called Tanya. Then again, she's the first friend you ever made in Alexandria, and she's your best friend, so not knowing anyone else yet is not that big of a deal. She's a Greek, white-skinned brunette who immigrated to Egypt with her parents, who are ambassadors from Rhodes, working as diplomats in Alexandria. She's pretty much the same size as you and obviously your age. You share interest and hobbies as well. She is a little bit calmer and more relaxed than you, and a whole lot more respecting of authority than you. She's also very cute and pretty, at least in your eyes. The only thing preventing you from making a sexual advance towards her is fear that she herself might not actually be into girls, and the fact that it could harm your friendship with her.

Well, that's alright. You don't necessarily HAVE to seek pleasure from your bestie, because as you look at your classroom, you realize that you've landed in a figurative human art gallery. This is a class full of hotties. It's hard to believe it, but on your first glance, nobody seems unacceptable by your standards. Your young and handsome homeroom teacher is also exceptionally hot, and since he's an adult, he probably has the biggest dick as well, compared to the little willies of the boys in your class.

The day is half-way behind you, and you're currently enjoying an hour-long work break in the gardens, walking around with Tanya. You've been discussing your day while getting familiar with the library. Suddenly, a young boy from your class walks in front of you, smiling happily. You still can't put the faces and the names together well, so you have no idea who he is. You lean towards Tanya, whispering: "Who's that again?"

"Seriously?" she asks, also whispering, while also giggling. "That's Ramses, the crown prince."

Your eyes open up, and so does your mouth. Yeah, if there ever was a face you should learn from your class, it's HIS face. He's going to be a pharaoh, for crying out loud. Although masculine, Ramses shares your general appearance; he has the same skin, the same eyes, and the same hair. He probably doesn't have an ounce of lower-class nomadic blood though. He's perhaps the tallest kid in your class, and with no muscle or fat, he's very skinny overall. He's got a kind smile, mysterious eyes, and overall, he's a good-looking boy.

"How are you ladies doing?" he asks, offering his hand.

Tanya is visibly shaken but takes the hand either way. When a royal offers you a handshake, you better take it to avoid disrespecting his good will. Tanya wholeheartedly subscribes to this mindset and looks almost as if willing to do anything Ramses tells her, like an obedient little puppy. "I-I am doing fine, thank you for asking!" she finally replies, with a loud tone, and a robotic voice. "Are you doing well, your highness?"

"Yes", he says, "but please, address me casually. We're equals in this school."

"Yes, thank you very much!" Tanya replies, clearly unable of being casual with the prince.

Ramses sets his eyes on you, which causes you to become a little shaken as well. It's not your anti-authority streak that is causing you to fidget though, but rather, his looks. "Care to have a talk in private, Dione?"

Tanya continues to react magnificently, looking as surprised as ever. You, though, were kind of expecting to have a talk with Ramses sooner or later. You just didn't expect him to come to you this quick.

But why? Well, earlier - on the previous page - it was told that Anubis serves the crown. One of the things you've been told is that you are to take upon this mantle of servitude once you're old enough. Anubis is getting tired and wants to retire, perhaps even die and move onto the afterlife. What will happen once you actually do take on this task? Well, you will serve the man who currently stands in front of you. You and him both know this, and it is in your best interest to build a good relationship with him early on. Your goal is to befriend him; sooner the better. You're just not sure if this is the right place and time. Recess is short and limited, and there's a LOT you want - and need - to talk about with him. Having a couple of hours between you and him in a private would perhaps be a better idea.

But wait, you already promised to do homework together with Tanya after school, along with your other friends from other school. You think for a moment, and decide to…