Life Hacks/Charity,Billy(girl-like-relate),rape-girl-preg/Chrty pick + (kinder)78 pick/Mother4/Billy-friend/You think she might be light enough you can just barely put her on the changing table

From All The Fallen Stories
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The changing table ought to be safe. That thing is a Kiwi KB200-01, those things have a weight rating of 60lbs. ... You have to shake your head almost the moment that thought runs through your head. How did you even know that!? It's not like you've ever looked that sort of thing up. You recall that trivial facts knowledge actually was a part of the mental attributes, so does this mean that now you have all the knowledge needed to win any quiz show?

At any rate, you estimate Billy's weight to be somewhere in the mid 50s, which is about average if not a little light for a girl her age. It ought to be quite safe to put her on that thing. And besides, that 60lbs is the safe load, not the point of failure, so it would definitely be safe. Just like when you brought her here before, you lift her up and carry her without even taking your penis out from inside her. You pull down the changing table and then sit her on it, only taking your dick out of her now. with that, a fresh new flood of your semen comes running out from inside her and into the indent of the baby changing table.

While her weight may be within the changing table's tolerance, her size is certainly not. This thing IS designed for a baby after all. So, you wind up having to shift her around a little into something of a fetal position just to lay her unconscious body onto it in a safe position. Well, if the intention was to make it easier to clean up the unconscious girl, this actually didn't help as much as you would have thought.

WIP profile until points added.