Daycare manager/"Naivete" details

From All The Fallen Stories
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Overview of Naivete

NOTE: The Naivete mechanic has gone through a complete overhaul.

Naivete is a stat that is the result of things the child does not know. If they do not know a lot about the world, particularly in so far as sex is concerned, they are easier to take advantage of. The naivete stat doubles as a boost to the "trust" stat, providing +1 point to their willingness to accept things they are uncomfortable with for every 20 points of naivete.

All children during the generation process are started off with 100 points of naivete that are then subtracted by the knowledge and experience they gain, plus an additional loss of 3 points for every year of age they are over 3. There are 100 points of naivete that can be lost by gaining sex knowledge and/or experiences, and an additional 30 to be lost by the time the child reaches age 13 for a total of 130 points that can be subtracted from naivete, making it fairly reasonable in terms of the chance of the child reaching zero naivete. There are additional pluses and minuses that can be added above and beyond these numbers from the child's personality.

Each sexual knowledge or experience is worth 1 point unless it is listed otherwise.

Has heard

Has heard someone say something about this piece of information. Does not imply understanding, but is likely to come up as part of being taught.

  • Boy's and Girl's privates are different
  • Girls have a hole in their privates that isn't where their pee or poop comes out of
  • You can touch your privates to make yourself feel good
  • You shouldn't touch your privates in public (2)
  • Another person touching your privates can feel even better
  • You shouldn't let other people touch your privates (3)
  • You can let other people touch your privates if you are old enough (0)
  • A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates
  • Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for
  • Babies are made when mommies and daddies do something called "sex"
  • Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina
  • Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis
  • The semen comes out when the penis feels good
  • The semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina
  • There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to
  • Some boys/men like to have people suck on their penis
  • Some girls/women like to have people lick their genitals
  • Boys can have sex with boys by putting it in the butt
  • The penis can go in the girl's butt too (0)
  • There are pills a girl can take to avoid having a baby when they have sex (0)
  • There is something called a condom a boy can put on his penis to avoid getting a girl pregnant when they have sex
  • Condoms can have flavors to taste good if you suck the boy's penis with it on (0)
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it's rare (0)
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it happens a lot (0)

Has seen

Has seen this thing or this action occur

  • The opposite gender's genitals (1 / 2) ^
  • Semen
  • Someone having sex (1 / 2 / 3) ^^
  • Someone being raped (2 / 4 / 6) ^^
  • Someone having oral sex ^^
  • Someone having anal sex ^^
  • A condom (0)
  • A condom on a penis

^ Is worth 1 if they have seen the opposite gender's genitals before arriving in your care. Worth 2 if seeing yours is the first time they have ever seen the opposite gender's genitals AND they have not been taught the physical difference between boys and girls.

^^ 1 point if they see their parents on the bed in the dark doing something they don't quite think is wrestling or cuddling, 2 if they notice the participants are naked and doing something that involves rubbing their privates together, 3 if they actually see the penis going inside the vagina. Note double points if it is rape and they realize the one being raped doesn't like it. Same point progression for oral and anal sex. Only the 1st item to be gained of these 3 is worth more than 1 point.

Has been taught

Has been instructed in a piece of information. Some of these knowledges will include "has heard" knowledges while they are taught)

  • The physical difference between boys and girls
  • The physical mechanics of sex (factual text-book knowledge)
  • The physical mechanics of sex (applicable knowledge) (2)
  • The biology of sex
  • Deviant forms of sex (purely informative)
  • Deviant forms of sex (applicable knowledge) (2)
  • How some people will try to take sexual advantage of them (3)
  • How to respond to someone doing something sexual to them (2)
  • How to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them
  • How to use hormonal birth control or to confirm your female partner is on birth control
  • How to put on a condom or how to put a condom on a boy
  • To use a condom or ask for a condom to be used (2)

Has experienced

Has personally performed the action or had the action performed on them.

  • Vanilla sex (special)
  • Unwilling vanilla sex (special)
  • Oral sex (receiving) (special)
  • Unwilling oral sex (receiving) (special)
  • Oral sex (performing) (special)
  • Unwilling oral sex (performing) (special)
  • Anal sex (receiving) (special)
  • Unwilling anal sex (receiving) (special)
  • Anal sex (performing) (special)
  • Unwilling anal sex (performing) (special)

NOTE: 2 points for the first 2 sexual experiences, 1 point for the 2 after that, zero for the last one. 1st non-consensual sexual experience is worth X5. (10 if it was their first sexual experience, 5 if you had had consensual sex with them a few times before that. These 5 points will be deducted from naivete regardless of whether or not this rape was done in a manner they have already experienced consensual sex)

  • Sex with a condom
  • Oral sex with a flavored condom (0)
  • A condom breaking during sex (2)
  • A condom breaking more than once during sex (2)
  • An orgasm
  • Being ejaculated on
  • A semen filled vagina (girls only)
  • A wet orgasm (boys only)


Highest level of comprehension. Fully grasps the concept.

  • The basic idea of sex. (allows them to have the ability to process that there is something significant to the penis going into the vagina and how this can make a baby even if they don't know exactly how the biology works.) (5)
  • How to perform sexually (3)
  • The full biological basis behind sex (2)
  • How to avoid being taken advantage of sexually (5)
  • The emotional complexities attached to sex (10)
  • How to consent to sex (Understands everything about why to refuse sex, and thus can make the informed decision to consent to sex as well) (5)
