Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Closet/You should do something about this, grab them both and tell an adult

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Jordan sighed "Alright you two, come on, up you go" he got them to their feet getting them out of the closet, he helped the cheetah girl straighten up her dress and hair as she still seemed to be in a daze from her experience.

After getting them down stairs Jordan reported what he caught them doing in the closet, the cheetah's mother looked rather embarrassed and took her daughters home right then, but for the rabbit boy he wasn't as fortunate.

His mother was upset with him, she scolded him saying he was to young and inexperienced to start doing those kind of things and needed to learn proper methods, after the scolding she picked him up and took him home.

By the end of it, the party went back to normal as if nothing happened.

Kids will be kids - end.