Smooth Operator/Mini Mart

From All The Fallen Stories
< Smooth Operator
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Turning the corner Jordan saw the mini mart come into view across the street, going to the crosswalk and pressed the button to cross, while looking back at the store he noticed a few girls sitting outside on the curb talking and eating microwave burritos.

He recognized one of the girls, Lyndsey O'Connor, they had science and math together in school, she was a red fox with long red hair braided over her left shoulder and she was wearing her signature red plaid miniskirt with white satin camisole. The other girls he didn't recognize but he could tell one was a red panda girl and the other was a border collie, maybe they go to the same school?

The traffic signals finally changed and the crosswalk lights up safe to cross, walking over Lyndsey notices him and gives him a friendly waze...

Return the wave while walking inside

Walk over and talk with them

Wave back, not paying attention in front of you