Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Zoey/Rough finish/Go after her/Go along with what the mother's saying

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"Ahh... Mmmm..." Jordan looks down. Actually, he had sorta wanted it too, but that girl was really pushing it hard after the rabbit boy left.

Sigh* "Oh my god! Listen!" She grabs Jordan hard by the shoulders. "You shouldn't have done that! Zoey was wrong to be doing that with the rabbit kid before, don't go humoring her by going along with it after that! It looks like you're old enough to cum now too, you shouldn't be wasting it on some little brat who wants to mess around. Boys have gotta be more responsible!"

"Ahh..." Jordan half whimpers.

"Ah, aaa... anyway," *sigh.* The older snow leopard woman suddenly looks like there is something weighing very heavily on her mind. "have you done this sort of thing with girls before?"

Jordan is not really sure how to answer this question. His nerves are so rattled at this point that he really has no clue at all what this woman might want. Ultimately, with a slight downward tilt of his head, he begins to lightly shake it in the negative.

"Crap!" The woman lets out a biting swear. "Hey, listen! You probably shouldn't be trying to do it with girls this much younger than you anyway. Like you saw here, even if they say they want it, they're too small and they don't know what to do when they loose their cherries. Do you know what a girl's cherry is?"

"Ahh... yeah." Jordan admits.

"Here, would you like me to help clean you up? Or would that be too embarrassing?" She asks. It takes Jordan a second to register what she meant she was going to clean up, but then his mind caught up and realized and he could feel his face starting to get hot.

"Mommy!" Zoey tries to get her mother's attention in a voice that seems concerned she is being left out.

"Zoey, just! Go sit down over there in the corner for a little while, Ok? I'll talk to you later." She yells at her daughter. "I'm sorry about all this," she says to Jordan. "Anyway, this is another part of why you should probably stick to girls your age or older. You won't have problems like this that way. I hope this wasn't all too scary for you."

Honestly, Jordan's stomach was still doing flip-flops inside of his body with how nervous he still was at this whole situation. It was starting to look as though he wasn't quite in as big of trouble as he thought he was, but even if the woman wasn't really mad at him anymore she still seemed very upset and it felt very weird for her to be trying to be nice to him in this situation. It was a complete mess. Sex always looked like something everyone was enjoying in that porn his friend Matt showed him, he didn't expect all this kind of thing to start happening the first time he ever tried to have sex.

"Anyway, would you like me to help clean you up? Maybe I should just take Zoey and leave you to take care of yourself."