Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Reach out and touch her chest

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(Hates it and obedience < 41)

You kneel down and draw Hannah toward you, then with your free hand you place your palm on her (shirt off)bare chest (started puberty), running your fingers over her (barely budding/nicely developing/young B-cup) ((shirtless but wearing bra)bra-covered) breasts. Hannah lets out a groan and pulls away from your grip (naive)and gives you an annoyed look. (not naive)and covers up her chest while avoiding eye contact with you.

(Gentle)Guess she's not comfortable with you touching her like that just yet. (add tag to hide this option until your relationship improves)

  • Naive result = Hannah's touch temporary +3 till end of interaction
  • Non-naive result = Hannah's trust and happiness -3

Option only available if she hates it

(Hates it and obedience > 40)

You kneel down and draw Hannah toward you, then with your free hand you place your palm on her (shirt off)bare chest (started puberty), running your fingers over her (barely budding/nicely developing/young B-cup) ((shirtless but wearing bra)bra-covered) breasts. Hannah whimpers and closes her eyes as your hand explores her (flat chest/budding nubs that will soon become breasts/small developing breasts/generous B-cup breasts which fit nicely in your palm.)

(Gentleness 11+)You notice a somewhat distressed appearance on Hannah's face as she stands there with her eyes closed, it is as though she is enduring some kind of torment in what you are doing. Perhaps you went too far with this, it's probably best to stop.


You kneel down and draw Hannah toward you, then with your free hand you place your palm on her (shirt off)bare chest (started puberty), running your fingers over her (barely budding/nicely developing/young B-cup) ((shirtless but wearing bra)bra-covered) breasts. Hannah lets out a groan and begins to squirm in your arms, ([no extra text]/rubbing her (small developing/B-cup) against your hand.)

  • (Process increase touch results)
  • (Temporary +1 Lv. touch and love till end of encounter)

(likes it) (Pre-pubescent, Lv. 4. Pubescent, Lv. 7) (additional requirement Love Lv. 7, 31-35, if non-naive)

You kneel down and draw Hannah toward you, then with your free hand you place your palm on her chest. Hannah does not look like she is sure what to think for a moment, but then she smiles and relaxes into your hands as they explore her (flat __-year-old chest/little nubbins that are beginning to become breasts/tiny and appealing developing breasts/beautifully developing B-cup breasts that are the perfect size to fit in your palm.)

  • (Temporary +1 Lv. touch and love till end of encounter)
  • (Hannah's trust +3)

Options that are removed with "Hates it" and Gentleness 11+ results