Public Nudity/The postman's little secret

From All The Fallen Stories
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The postman's little secret

'I just remember, I had a secret place, not far from here.' the postman says.


'Yes, really.' He points to the end of your street, where a way leads into the forest area.

'That way about 300 yards into the forest, there was a little path to the left, leading to a little clearance with a small hut.'

'A hut?' you say surprised. 'Who lived there?'

'No, no, it was really small, just three walls with a roof, made out of scrap wood. About 5 ft high and wide enough for two people sitting there. And the remains of a fireplace in front of it. But it was already abandoned when I found it.

When I was ten or eleven, there was that storm and some trees fell. One tree then blocked the entrance to that path, but I knew it was there. So I found my way around it and hidden from the way there was my secret place from that day.'

`'What have you done there? Smoking?' you try to tease him.

'No, I undressed in that hut and spent my time there naked. It was really exciting, standing behind that fallen tree, people passing by, not knowing there was a nude boy behind it.'

He sighs. 'I really loved to feel the breeze on my naked skin.'

'I know what you mean' you say and go nearer to him. 'May I ask you something confidential?'

'Go on' he answers.

'I just wondered, I mean me, I feel a bit itchy in my private parts. Did you feel the same?'

He gives you a big grin. 'With "itchy" you mean aroused?'

You nod, your face feels hot, probably redder than a tomato.

'Don't be ashamed, I think that's just normal. At least I had my first erections at that time'

'And did you, eh, do something against it?'

'Of course' he laughs 'I masturbated each time I was there. You could say it was the highlight of my day. And when I was fifteen I met that girl. Emily. It was love at first sight and wonders happen, cause she felt the same. We had a lot of fun in my secret place.

But we finished school, had our jobs and forgot about the place as time went by.'

'What happened with Emily? Is she still your girl friend?'

'I married her four years ago.'

'I bet you are a lucky couple.'

'You won the bet. But now I wonder if that place is still there.'

'Shall we look?' you ask.

He looks at you with surprise and nods. 'Why not.'

And now ...