Summer Holiday/Spain Day 1/Airport.

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I had a good feeling about this trip and the airport departure lounge lay before me as a kind of appetizer. I stood and looked around, absently rubbing the back of my leg where I'd been stung. There were plenty of little lovelies for my viewing pleasure, all happy, all excited to be off somewhere new and none in the least bit aware that I was imagining what each of their cute little asses would look like skewered on my erection! But where to sit?

What do you do?

Ahoy, little redhead, nice short skirt and pretty little freckles...

Or maybe something a little more energetic, a brown haired brother and sister challenging each other to do cartwheels and handstands in one corner...

Or is that little blondie from the lobby? Sat over by the toilets with her two elder sisters and daddy watching over them...

There are some empty seats over there, opposite a couple with a baby...