Summer Holiday/Spain Day 7 Splash Pool

From All The Fallen Stories
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I picked up a takeaway coffee and headed for the noise. The kiddies’ pool was separated off from the main pool and I could see that there were some organised activities going on. Several hyper- enthusiastic teenagers; girls and boys, were doing their best to exhaust a bunch about twenty preschoolers.

They were divided into three groups, with the youngest under threes in the shallowest water and the older ones at the deep end which was probably only about half a metre anyway. There were a number of parents sitting around or standing up to cheer their sprogs on and the noise at times was deafening. I sat down near the edge of the pool to drink my coffee and watch the fun.

At first, and probably in common with most of the other men there, I paid most attention to two blonde girls in tiny bikinis who were organising the younger children. It was when I turned my attention to the older group that I noticed something slightly odd. One of the young men in charge; slim, fair and athletic looking, seemed to be making more physical contact with the kids than was strictly necessary. It wasn’t obvious; if I hadn’t been that way inclined myself, I doubt I would have even noticed.

He was standing up in the water, which barely covered his knees, and when a child swam up to him, he picked them up and threw them back into the water. Most of them seem to enjoy the experience there was a constant procession of kids, boys and girls, waiting their turn. What I noticed was that sometimes, when he picked a girl up, his hand seemed to slip up between her legs. He didn’t do it every time and after watching for about twenty minutes I worked out that there were four girls who were particularly keen to take part in the game.

Eventually, someone started blowing a whistle and everybody got out of the pool. The teenage supervisors went off to what I assumed was a staff room and the kids wandered around looking for their parents. Two of the four girls from the pool went to an older man sitting near me and amused themselves by clambering all over him with their wet bodies; I noticed that he didn’t protest overmuch at being tormented by two almost-naked little beauties. He saw me watching and gave me a smile and a shrug as if to say “what can you do?”

The man said something to the girls and they came over and stood in front of me. “Did you see us swimming,” one of them said.

“You enjoyed it when that that boy threw you in the air,” I said with a smile. They giggled and I thought I caught the hint of a blush.

“Why aren’t you swimming,” the other one said. I told them I’d left my swimming shorts up in my room and I was too lazy to go and get them. “Daddy’s lazy too,” she said, “we tried to get him to take us in the big pool but all he wants to do is sit around and drink beer. The man could hear the conversation clearly when I looked across he held up his beer can to confirm what the girls were saying.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “I’m under strict instructions not to let them go in the big pool on their own.”

“We’re sisters; I’m the oldest,” the one he’d spoken first said. “I’m Tracy and she is Antonia, but everyone calls her Toni.” I guessed that Tracy was about twelve and her sister a few years younger. Tracy was a bit chubby; a long way from being fat, but definitely not skinny and I could see her breast buds beginning to develop. Toni looked more like a boy, with short hair, a totally flat chest and no hips at all.

I told them my name. “I was thinking about going for a swim, but I’ll have to go up to my room first,” I said. I looked across at the man, presumably their father. “I’ll take them in with me if you like,” I said.

He smiled and took another swig from his beer. “Okay; if you’re sure…”

I nearly changed my mind while I was getting changed in my room; after all, I had promised myself a day off. “Still,” I thought, “it’s only a swim with a couple of pretty girls.”

When I got back to the pool I was disappointed to see that they weren't there. “They’ll be back in a minute," their father said… Are you sure about this; it’s not too late to change your mind. They can be a bit of a handful.” He turned to the girls who just got back. “Mind you do what Francis tells you,” he said.

I shrugged. “I think I’m committed now,” I said as a small hand grabbed one of mine and started dragging me off towards the big pool. When we got there both girls just jumped straight in and I followed them.

I stood up, the water barely coming up to my waist and Tracy swam up to me. “You gotta pick us up like Gary did,” she said.

Assuming that Gary was the teenage boy from earlier I grinned; it was pretty obvious where this was going. “Turn round,” I ordered, and when she had her back to me I put my hands around under her arms to lift her up; at the same time I made sure that my fingers were squeezing her little nipples. I lifted her up and threw her away from me, making a big splash and her place was immediately taken by her sister. We did the same thing two or three times and then Tracy demanded to go higher.

This time I got her to face me and when I lifted her up I blew a raspberry on her bare belly before throwing her backwards into the water. I did the same for Toni and she came back. “That tickles,” she said with a giggle and put her arms up for a repeat. Again we did it a few times and each time I lifted them higher until I was trying to blow the raspberry just above their little pussies. The next time Tracy came back I lifted her right up until she was sitting on my shoulders with her belly pressed against my face; I transferred my grip to her bottom and held her there were several long moments before falling forward into the water with my mouth right over her pussy on the outside of her bikini.

Naturally, Toni wanted her turn so I lifted her up; easier with her being a couple of kilos lighter, and actually took a playful little bite on her mound under the water. She surfaced, squealing with laughter and demanded another go. After a few more goes I changed the game; I ducked down under the water, got my head between Toni’s legs and stood up with her sitting on my shoulders. Then I fell backwards and turned at the same time so that I was facing her and she fell back into the water and I took the opportunity to grab two hands full of skinny preteen bum. Of course Tracy demanded a turn and I found her bum significantly softer than her sister’s.

The next time, instead of lifting them I popped up right in front of them and hugged them tight so that they could feel my stiff cock pressing against their bellies. After that, they swam off giggling and whispering to each other. When they came back, they both stood in front of me and I put my arms around them. Immediately I felt two small hands reaching down the front of my shorts to grab my cock. It only lasted a couple of seconds before they let go.

"We're going to the loo," Tracy said, "you can come with us if you want."

What do you do?

A stiff cock and two willing girls - what else can I do

I had promised myself a day off; in spite of the tempting offer, I make my excuses and leave