Vault 69/It Begins

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is the most frightened that you have ever been in your young life. Your mother and father seem just as frightened . . . well your dad anyway. Your mom looks more angry than frightened. Somehow that familiar response makes you feel a little less afraid. It is a Saturday. You had been sleeping in when your father had suddenly shook you awake. It is happening. They are dropping the bombs. Luckily, your family had been selected to participate in the Vault-Tec program for free since your father was an important man in the state legislature. He would probably be made Overseer.

Your father rushes along, holding little Gina in his arms. She had been named after dad's sister, Aunt Gina. Gina is actually short for Regina. You tried to get your parents to call the baby Reggie to avoid confusion, but they would hear none of that! The baby is oddly silent, even with all the chaos going on around you. She quietly rests in your dad's arms like the world wasn't ending.

Your sister Casey clings to your father's hand in clear terror and desperation. Her normal bubbly self seems sealed away under a veil of terrified sobbing. "It's going to be alright, Casey," cooes your dad softly. "Everything will be fine when we get to the Vaults." He sounds like he is trying to convince himself too; not just Casey.

Your mother holds onto your hand with her right hand. As you walk quickly toward the hills that the twin Vaults are in, you occasionally brush up against her gun. You are pretty sure they aren't going to let her keep it; but it makes you feel better that she has it. It probably makes everybody feel better. Your mom holds your middle sister, Shelly's, hand in her left hand as you make your way through the streets. You check on your little sister from time to time as you make your way toward salvation. She is even quieter now than usual; but there is an odd sort of strength emanating from her worried expression . . . a quiet, resilient dignity that you have never seen in her before.

You are all coming up to a military checkpoint. The lines of people trying desperately to get to the Vaults is rather depressing. Besides soldiers, there are also combat robots. You have always been a fan, so you know their models. There are a half-dozen Mister Gutsys, two bad-ass Sentry bots, and two robots that you didn't recognize. It must be a new model! They almost look female with their expanded chest and hips. They move more fluidly that their counterparts. Looking at them while you were in line to get your IDs checked, you feel yourself getting an erection. Ashamed, you look away from the robots and pray that your boner will go down.

"Papers," says a soldier as you approach.

"Hold onto my leg sweetheart," said your dad to Casey, "so I can get our papers." Casey doesn't seem to like the idea one bit, and clutchs your father's arm tighter. "Casey, I need to show the soldier our papers."

"Sir," says the soldier as he puts his hand on his weapon, "you're holding up the line."

"Casey," says your father. She buries her face into his arm in response.

Seeing the trouble brewing, you let go of your mother's hand and quickly go to your father. "I've got it dad," you say. You reach into his pocket, and pull out his wallet. Looking through it, you show his ID to the soldier.

The man checks a clipboard he has. "Aaron Willis, wife, three children," says the soldier, "alright, proceed up the hill to Vault entrances. Follow the markers and you won't get lost."

You rush up the hill and soon find yourself outside the Vault doors, which are currently open, facing each other about twenty five yards apart. Behind their shared entrance is a fence separating the two. The men seem to be going into Vault 68 while the women are going into Vault 69. You remember reading about this in the documentation; the sexes have separate living quarters to keep down possible situations due to close quarters and sexual tension. The Vaults meet in the middle for a common area where the interactions between the sexes could be conducted safely. At the entrance to the area, a Protectron is sorting the people by sex as they approached, flanked by two of the female-looking robots.

Your family makes it to the head of the line relatively quickly. Your dad approaches the Protectron and said, "Aaron Willis and family."

"Yes Mister Willis. It is a pleasure to serve you. As I give you your Vault assignments please move to the assigned Vault. You will be temporarily separated from your family for the duration of placement and orientation. You will be reunited this evening. Aaron Willis - Vault 68. Haley Willis, Casey Willis, Taylor Willis, Michelle Willis, and Regina Willis - Vault 69." Not again, you think to yourself. They mistook you for a girl again! That's why you go by Tay, and not Taylor.

"Hold on a second," says your dad, "Taylor is a boy. Shouldn't he be coming to Vault 68?"

"Assignments have been given," replies the Protectron, "please proceed."

"Now look here," says your mom angrily, "Taylor is a MALE. He should be going with his father."

"The girl being male is irrelevant," says the Protectron, "assignments have been given. Please proceed to your assigned Vaults." The female-looking robots seem to go on alert.

"Mom," you say, "you're arguing with a robot."

"He's right dear," says your dad, "and we all need to get to shelter quickly. We'll sort this all out once we're safe." He carefully hands Gina to your mom, and Casey forces herself to let go of your dad; only to grab your mother's hand from Shelly. You take Shelly's hand to reassure her, and your mother, that everything will be fine. "Just cover his eyes if they make you change together." Actually . . . you hadn't thought of that. Could being mistaken for a girl work out to your benefit this time?

"Alright Aaron," she replies, "We'll see you tonight. I love you." She kisses him . . . yuck.

"And I love all of you," he says as he makes his way into Vault 68. "I'll see you tonight."

You and the rest of your family quickly make your way into Vault 69.