Vault 69/Nexus-Intro

From All The Fallen Stories
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You wake up after your first night in Vault 69. Things yesterday were pretty intense. It's hard to imagine that you'll never see your dad again. It's best not to dwell on the past you suppose. On to the future then.

You wake up and get out of bed. The room is rather spartan. You didn't pay it much attention when you went to sleep. Yours was one of two bunk beds in the room, allowing for four people to sleep. There is a dresser at the head of each bunk bed, and a desk at the foot of each one. Above the dresser, in the wall, is a mirror. The dressers have two sets of drawers, side by side and four high. You wonder which side is yours. Luckily, you don't need to know right now as a new vault suit awaits you on top of the dresser by your bed.

You pick up the vault suit, and head toward the well-marked bathroom. You notice the wall clock, that is actually in the wall, as you do. It's already after ten. Your mom must have let you sleep in because of all of the stuff that went down yesterday. That was nice of her. You enter the bathroom, half expecting to get yelled at to get out; but it seems you have it all to yourself. There appears to be two areas, one with a pair of bathroom stalls and a pair of sinks, and a room further in with two shower stalls and a bench in the middle. You find a shower stall ready for you with a towel, washcloth, soap, and shampoo all ready. You set your vault suit on the bench outside, and seeing what you take to be a hamper, you divest yourself of your underwear. You quickly shower, and put on the fresh vault suit, which thankfully comes with fresh underwear. You brush your teeth and comb your hair at the sinks outside, and are ready for the day.

You leave the bathroom, go through the bedroom into what appears to be a sparse living room / kitchenette. The single room seems to serve both purposes, but there isn't much to either. The living room area is defined by a television and a sofa with two end tables and a coffee table between the sofa and TV. The kitchenette is at one end of the room, behind the sofa, and consists of a small counter with a sink, a stove, a miniature refrigerator, and a small table with four chairs. Your bedroom opens to one side of the kitchenette, and there is another room on the other side. By it's orientation, you assume it to be the master bedroom, and assume also that it adjoins the bathroom you were recently in. On the far side of the room, next to the TV is what you assume to be the door out.

Having oriented yourself, you notice a note on the coffee table. You walk over and pick it up. It reads:


I let you sleep in. There's no school today, but we're trying to get all the kids oriented so we can start school up as soon as possible. Remember our berth number. It is 22, that isn't that hard right? Feel free to roam the vault, but be back by lunch. I will be in morning meetings until then. It turns out I am the Security Chief. Did I already tell you that? Well it's a big promotion. I'll see you at lunch.



Well, that didn't leave a whole lot of time to explore, but a little time was better than none. You head for the door to look around. As you exit the quarters, or berth, or whatever you want to call it, an assultron suddenly steps in front of you. It's very feminine appearance when compared to most robots is at once appealing to you, but also makes you uncomfortable in your pants.

"Mister Willis," says the assaultron in a mechanical feminine voice that isn't entirely unpleasant, "you will come with me." It wasn't posed as a question, and you seem to recall that obeying the assaultrons is kind of a requirement of the vault. Also, she is rather scary. What are the options here?

What are the options here?