Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/New Policy/Kittie/Lesson/Over (Really)

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Thanks, that was what I was aiming for. I'm not requesting it, but can you have Kittie stay in the room while you speak with her mother on the phone?

Play it casual at first, ask her why Kittie was late. Once she explains, you can inform her of Kittie's punishment, and that Aliyah is most likely going to get the Extreme punishment. (It just occurred to me that, with the new guidelines, Aliyah will have to get pregnant because she was alone with her boyfriend).

Maybe also contact the Police Department to make an enquiry on the legal ramifications of child Endangerment, even if the punishment was only Severe, actually breaking the law would instantly be an extreme punishment.-- -- After thinking it over several times today, it would actually be beneficial to actually talk with Kittie's mother about her punishment. You don't want to punish her, but your hands are tied; you were going to let her off with a slap on the wrist, but with the new guidelines and the fact that she disrespected you, you HAD to punish her.

Another thing I realized, is that whenever Bartholomew Morandi is brought up (whether by Aliyah, her mom or Mrs. Varano) there will have to be a split on how they talk to you. Example: "His name is Bartholomew Morandi, he's the older brother of Tihana Morandi; so I guess that would make you two brother in-laws" Mrs. Varano joked.--MrPib (talk) 08:06, 19 September 2019 (UTC)