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  • Full Name: Elruel (el∙ROO∙el) Eselavehl (es∙SELL∙eh∙VELL), Dame-Consort of the Seelie Court, Cum-Whore of the Unseelie Court, Harbinger of the Deep Dreaming, Keeper of the Stones of Shavariestra (sha∙VAYR∙e∙es∙TRA), and Exile of the Faerie.
  • Common Name: Elruel, El (to friends)
  • Species: Fairy
  • Ethnicity: Sex Fairy (Cum)
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 542 years old (child)
  • Height: 3.26 inches
  • Weight: .27 ounces
  • Build: Soft, Childish
  • Hair: Golden Blond
  • Eyes: Sapphire
  • Skin: Pale Apricot

When the world first began, and the gods were vying for the belief of mortals to define the nature of the universe; the day-to-day duties that kept the universe spinning along were not performed by the gods, as they would have you believe. They were performed by a species of magical being. Everything from the rising of the sun, the formation of the dew, the growing of plants, a man's erection, the conception of a child . . . EVERYTHING was controlled by these magical beings. Called spirits, sidhe, elves, fairies, and countless other names; they stood apart from the gods. They didn't need belief to do their duty. Their duty was the reason for their existence. They happily kept everything in the universe running smoothly. Then something unexpected happened . . . the beliefs of man started affecting the fey.

Men started to believe that the universe ran itself. With self-governing laws the universe didn't need its caretakers. While the fey kept their ability to do their job, they no longer needed to. Disheartened, the fey began to leave this world. The gods too were fading, as was everything magical; to be replaced by something called science. The Fey created their own realm called the Faerie. There the two courts of fey, the Seelie Court of light fey, and the Unseelie Court of dark fey; with nothing else to occupy their time, began to quarrel with one another over trivialities. It wasn't a serious war really, just something to pass eternity.

About five hundred fourty-two years ago, a Seelie Sex Fairy, and an Unseelie Rape Fairy had a child. This child was Elruel Eselavehl. She lived with both courts alternately (as her parents couldn't really stand one another; but both loved her very much). She grew to be quite favored by both sides; gaining prestige as Dame-Consort of the Seelie Court and Cum-Whore of the Unseelie Court despite her youth. Both titles were highly prestigious and amounted to the same duties on both sides . . . providing sexual release and entertainment to the court.

She very much enjoyed her duties, as any sex fairy would, but was concerned over the conflict between the courts of the fey. She petitioned the Queen of the Seelie Court to give her authority over a set of magical standing stones called the Stones of Shavariestra. She won the right to them in a sexually oriented contest with their current keeper, gaining the duty to protect them. She used the stones magic to try to end the fighting between the two courts of fey; but the stones were not of the correct nature. These were Stones of Dreaming. The magic sent all but the strongest of the fey into a deep dream of peace in the Faerie. The fey remaining awake, started to undo the Deep Dreaming, but it would take centuries to complete. In the meantime, Elruel accomplished part of her goal as the Queen of the Seelie Fey and the Prince of the Unseelie Fey united to pass judgement on her. They exiled her from the Faerie.

Now on Earth, she needs to find a home and a purpose. As a cum fairy, she seeks a set of testicles to live in. She needs to find a willing host to accommodate her. Luckily, she can give the cum of the person she inhabits magical qualities. With the promise of these powers, surely she can find a host . . . but whom?

What family(story focus) does she choose?

Description: A very large traditional family from the rural United States.
Story Foci: Cum Play, Dominant Main Character, Predominantly Straight Main Character (except Joseph branch), Incest, Very Young Partners, Mini-girl, Harem Building, Impregnation, Corruption, Moderate to Low Conflict, Bizarre/Unrealistic Sexual Activity, Bestiality.

(Story Focus is what kind of subjects should be prevalent in the story branch. They should be listed in approximate order of importance to the story. Cum Play should be first for all the story branches as it's central to the theme of this story, but the others are up to the one who starts the branch.)