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Elruel flew down the street of the rural town. So many humans . . . how was she to choose? She flitted back and forth until she spied a rather large family in a store. There were eight children with what Elruel assumed was their mother. With that many people, she could surely find a host. She followed the family out to their conveyance . . . some kind of metal beast whose sides could open to allow the humans to ride on the inside. Elruel made due by nestling underneath. There was no way she was going into that beast's innards . . . and humans reacted unpredictably to what they perceive as insects from what she had read. She appeared like a damselfly to them with her natural glamor . . . unless she put pixie dust in their eyes . . . or fairy cum. After all pixie dust is just dried fairy cum.

They traveled for a time, then arrived on a farm. Elruel recognized it from the description in her books. There were even more humans here! They seemed to be mostly females . . . unless you counted the help. Servants are easy to recognize in any culture. That left a baby, a young child, an older child, a teenager, and an adult to choose from judging by the portraits on the wall. Five sets of balls to choose from . . . hmmm. She considered for a moment before deciding.

She finally settled on the older child, just on the cusp of manhood. The odd-eyes put him over the top. Such eyes were a sign of fairy magic in the old days . . . and he had a twin sister with the same eyes; talk about perfect. Elruel bid her time until the family went to sleep, then flew to the room inhabited by the three boys. The baby and man were in the master bedroom, but her target was the middle child in this room. She flew over to his sleeping form and landed lightly on his nose. lifting his eyelid, she tossed a pinch of pixie dust into his eye, then followed suit with the other. The pixie dust did its magic, which had him rubbing his eyes and fluttering to bleary half-wakefulness, the perfect state to negotiate with somebody in, as a side effect of the magic.

* * *

You rub your eyes and flutter to semi-wakefulness. To your amazement, you see a blurry figure on your nose. As it comes into focus (an effect of having to cross your eyes), it appears to be a naked miniature child of no more than six with a pair of wings . . . a fairy. You must be dreaming. You stare blankly at the fairy for a bit, unsure about this dream. She is a lot smaller than the girls you usually dream about . . . how would you even fit your dick in her?

"Hello mortal," she says in her soft, high pitched voice, "I am Elruel Eselavehl, Dame-Consort of the Seelie Court, Cum-Whore of the Unseelie Court, Harbinger of the Deep Dreaming, Keeper of the Stones of Shavariestra, and Exile of the Faerie; I am here to offer you the deal of a lifetime."

"You're what now?" you ask, unsure of what it was she just said.

She huffs indignantly. "My name is Elruel Eselavehl. I am Dame-Consort of the Seelie Court and Cum-Whore of the Unseelie Court. I am the Harbinger of the Deep Dreaming. I am the Keeper of the Stones of Shavariestra. I am an Exile of the Faerie. I want to make a deal with you, mortal. There are protocols to this thing. The deal isn't valid if you don't know who it is you are dealing with!"

"Oh," you say, "I am Kevin Mark Anderson, son of Emily Lynn Anderson and Joseph Jeremiah Anderson, Keeper of the Pervy Wall Hole, and Watcher of Bathing Sisters and Mothers." You chuckle to yourself as you say the whole thing, thinking yourself quite clever. She seems satisfied, however, and does not appear to think of it as a joke.

"Well then Kevin," she says, adding under her breath, "What a strange name," before continuing, "Like I said, I would like to make a deal. As I told you before, I have been exiled from the Faerie . . . so I need a place to stay. I need someone to willingly offer me that home. In exchange, I am willing to use my fey magic to help you out. What do you say?"

"Your what magic?"

"Fey . . . it's the name of the collective races of the fey . . . fairies, elves, goblins, et cetera. I am a fairy, which is a type of fey, like you are a . . . pink human, which is a type of human?"

"I'm white, which is a type of human."

"I wouldn't call that white by any stretch of the imagination. So I use my magic, you give me a place to stay; deal?"

"What kind of magic?"

"Weeeelll," she says slowly, "I am a cum fairy; so I can enchant your cum."


"I can enchant your cum . . . you know, like make the smell of your cum arouse women, make it impregnate with perfect success, make it addictive . . . you know, enchantments. What do you say?"

"That sounds pretty cool, actually." The dream seems to be getting stranger, but it's definitely more interesting.

"So is it a deal?"

"Sure," you say, "why not."

"Alright, then I'll just get my stuff and move on in . . . into your testicles, Okay?"

"Yeah," you say, only catching the quiet part after the word has already come out, "wait . . . what?"

The little fairy is already making her way under your covers. You throw them aside quickly, but she is already going into your pajama bottoms. You pull them down, and see her head pop into your urethra. You flinch, expecting it to hurt, but it actually feels kind of nice as she caresses the inside of your piss hole. You have to look away as your cock deforms to her shape as she crawls down your penis. You feel her settle into your scrotum, and suddenly your balls feel heavier.

*Oh, this is nice,* you hear in your head. *Very cozy, and full of sperm. I'll have to check out the prostate later to see about the semen levels . . . but everything looks great so far.*

"Ah," you exclaim, "how can I hear you if you're . . . down there?"

"Geez," says your brother Ethan, "go to sleep, spaz. We don't need a play by play of your weird dreams."

At the same time you hear, *We're connected now, I can talk to you telepathically.*

At this point it occurs to you that you are absolutely not dreaming. You are either insane, or this is really happening. You dash to the bathroom, holding your bottoms up. You are afraid to cover up in case . . . well, you aren't really sure why. You get to the bathroom, enter and lock the door.

"Okay," you say, "let's talk."

*What do you want to talk about,* she says in your head.

"I mean face-to-face," you reply tersely.

You feel her moving through your dick again, and her head suddenly pops out of the end of your penis.

"Ah!," you yell, "don't do that!"

"Why not," she asks, "it doesn't hurt does it?"

"That isn't the point," you say. "It should hurt. It looks like it should hurt. And my mind . . . just NO."

"Fine," she says as she exits your genital, "but a deal's a deal. You can't keep me out now." She flutters up to eye level. "So what are we talking about?"

"I need details on this deal. What powers do I get?"

"Ummm . . . I'll give you a list of choices each time."

"What do you mean each time?"

"Each time you get your cum into a different person."

"You didn't say anything about that."

"The magic has to come from somewhere. You can't create something from nothing after all."

"How am I supposed to get my cum into someone without powers to make it easier. If I could do that on my own, I wouldn't have made the deal."

"You could sneak it in . . . I don't know, pretend to be someone else, rape them, put it on your sword before battle, slip it in their food -"

"Wait . . . I can put it in their food?"

"I said it had to be in them, not in their genitals."

"I could do this," you say, thinking of the possibilities.

"Alrighty then," let me know when you've got the first one . . . or actually I'll know right away so let me know when you're ready to choose your power." She makes her way toward your dick as you try to decide how to proceed. You probably need to put it in some food or drink, but controlling who gets it could be problematic. You could probably apply it directly if it were with one of the younger ones . . . you've seen how they love their pacifiers. But there might be another option that you could think of . . .

How do you proceed?
Put some cum in someone's food.

Sexual activity with someone.

Kevin Mark Anderson
Cum Powers



