Sexy Fun Times/Work/School/Elementary/Janitor/Showers

From All The Fallen Stories
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As soon as the boy leaves you pull your cock out and give it a few strokes. The memory of that cute little cock and his smooth bum would be enough to get you off, but you have a better idea. With your stiff cock still in your hand you walk across the boiler room through the door on the other side.

This leads to a long, narrow passageway; a large diameter waste pipe runs along the floor on one side, and above that a smaller water pipe. At waist height, there is a row of four toilet cisterns, followed by four pairs of vertical pipes that go through the wall at head height. Further down there is another pair of cisterns and for more pairs of pipes. The pipes feed the showers for the girls and boys shower rooms. Between the pipes is what looks like a window, and that’s the only source of light; apart from that, it’s pitch dark in the passageway.

You can hear the water running and you know that the eighth grade girls have been playing hockey, so you head towards the “window” that looks out into the girls’ showers. On their side it looked like a mirror so long as it stays dark on your side. You can see through the one-way glass as easily as if it was a shop window.

I was a bit late, and most of the girls had already left; in fact there were only two left, and the sight of them instantly revives your wilting cock. Although there are empty showers the two ten-year-olds were sharing and it was pretty obvious that they’ve been hanging back deliberately. At first you can only see their heads and shoulders, but then the water automatically timed off and they walk across to the bench on the other side.

If the original Lolita had looked as good as either of these two, you don’t think anyone could have blamed Humbert Humbert for what he did. Their breasts are already beginning to grow; maybe half an orange but still with tiny pink nipples; their skin is flawless with clear tan lines where their bikinis have been. You hurry off to fetch your camera and by the time you get back, they are kissing.