The Entertainer/Fun little prison getaway

From All The Fallen Stories
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The smell of pussy was thick in the air. Taking a look under my dress, it was wet...Very wet. Hell, you could see both his saliva and my...Lady lube on my two legs. Just walking around i could feel all that slippery love juice all over my pussy, allowing for a very easy slide between my legs and i could just feel more of it coming from below...And the worst part, this kid made a very good job at pleasing me...So much I want to go through this prison thing and see how far i can go before being pulled away and fucked. In all honesty...I doubt I'll even survive the first guard.

I still can't believe i allowed him to keep both the panties and the grown up clothes...Granted with his story and how he bawled his eyes out into them, I just couldn't care...But pulling me into this sort of sex game? Really? He really got some spunk. Walking to the other side, I couldn't help but think about different scenarios. What if i bump into a guard? What if someone ask me to do something indecent? What if the King himself bump into me? Will he even understand? Wait shit, what about the other kid? I can't believe I said i wanted to fuck him...Hell, he's just a boy, six years old at that...Barely! He's a bit taller, that's all, no big deal...And then there's my girl waiting for me at the moment, wait, how many hours was i in the lab? Did i pass the time? Will she be sleeping in my bed? Awww shit, what the fuck did i put myself into? It's a miracle i made it out without doing something stupid...Wait, I did. Shit.

Making my way to the other side, I've hesitated for a moment...What was on the other side already? What if a guard a guarding the exit? I've taken a deep breathe and press up one of the stone...Then another, and another...Until i finally got one right. The door opened, leading up to the little room with the locked door. Right, locked. I've unlocked it and opened it up. Four guards turned up their heads to me, I closed back the door, but one of them stopped it from closing with a foot. "Look what we have here, boys!" One of them acclaimed. I completely forgot, that room was a resting room...Why. WHY?

I turned up to leave, but the door was already closed. One of the guard took me up and rose me up from behind. "LET ME GO!" I screamed, but he simply got back to the table. "Place her on the table." One said. "Hey, I'm not a toy, okay?" I tried to kick, but one of the guard took my two legs while another took my arms. I was set on their table already filled with cards and poker piece "Let me check her out" Said the guard in front of me, I could feel the other guards restricting me with my arms and legs spread. The one in front of me lift my skirt and saw the little mess. With one finger feeling up my vagina, he then claims "She's wet as hell, but she's a virgin boys." The men chuckled around me, and one took me to the bunk bed. "Okay, here's what well do. The man said. "You stay put like a good little girl while we finish this up, and you'll be good to go, okay?" I nodded. "So who's gonna have the first turn?" The same man ask while taking back a seat for the poker game...