CF/Kevin/Second Day/Breakfast/School

From All The Fallen Stories
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You figure the safest bet is to wait until you get to school. You usually have at least ten minutes before classes start to get settled. That should give you plenty of time to get your pheromones going for the rest of the day. You try to eat breakfast like normal, but you can't help but to daydream about your new powers. Before you know it, breakfast is over.

"Alright," says Ellen, "Kevin, Kelsey, Vicki, you guys are on table duty today. Ethan -"

"Yeah, yeah," says your eldest brother, "I've got daycare prep. I can read your chart Ellen."

"Well, it would be nice if people would all read my job chart, but until that starts happening, I'll continue to remind you ingrates."

Damn! You've got the little kids table today. It's always in the worst shape. You sigh, then move over to the table and begin to clean the dishes off of it into the old familiar rolling cart. after taking them to Bev on dishwasher loading duty, you return and start wiping all of the spilled food off of the table. You have to be careful not to get you uniform dirty, which is asking a lot with the little kids table. Still, you're done before you know it, and on your way to the bus stop.

You're family goes to the same private christian school. Well, it's more of a complex of schools all together. It's called Martin Luther Christian Academy. It accepts people of all Protestant Christian faiths to attend. You always thought it rather un-Christian of the school not accepting Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. into the school; but the irony seems lost on the staff there.

Your family, or at least those of the proper age to attend, all take a bus to the school. Your family is so large that you make up a full half of the kids on the bus with fourteen of you taking up the majority of the seating. You are the first stop for the bus, and all the other kids are just the ones on the way to the school. The bus is the normal yellow school bus affair, though a few years back you did have to make due with a white church bus for a month or so why the school bought a new bus.

The bus arrives as usual and your siblings meet to greet it, having finished their varied farm and house chores. You all pile in, and begin the relatively short trip to school. One of the advantages to filling half the bus in one stop is that there are less overall stops, leading to a quicker commute. You sit quietly thinking for the ride to school, thinking of all of the girls you're going to get with the pheromone power. You arrive at the school in quick order, and file out of the bus.

The school caters to grades K through 12, and has a daycare / preschool as well. Your mom was likely dropping off Dina, Nina, Rachael, and Mandy at the preschool at this very moment. The school consists of six buildings. The buildings are all connected by breezeways to keep the students out of the rain when they have to go between buildings. The Admin building houses the administrative offices (including the principal's office) the preschool and the kindergarten class. The Elementary School building housed grades one through four. The Middle School building housed grades five through eight. The High School building housed grades nine through twelve. The Facilities building housed the chapel, cafeteria, and auditorium. The Gymnasium building housed the gym and the indoor pool. There is also an outdoor pool and a playground. Unfortunately, as you are now in middle school . . . there is no more recess for you.

Now, the question is . . .

How are you going to do this thing?

Kevin Mark Anderson
Cum Powers


  • Delicious Cum
  • Infinite Cum


  • Pheromone Cum
  • No Refractory Period
  • Addictive Cum


  • Dick Strengthening Cum
  • Perfect Impregnating Cum

Cum Target Tally: 3

Elruel Eselavehl
Love Interest
Full of your Cum
Katherine Cleopatra Anderson
Twins with benefits