Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First week/Bevvy/Escalating nudity rape/Stay out/Calm/pee/stop

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Oh yes, that's right. You haven't used the toilet since even before your punishment earlier." You comment, pulling away from her. She has a very uncomfortable look on her face as she squirms in her obvious desperate need to pee. "Have you been avoiding using the bathroom?" You asked her.

"Umm.. I... maybe?" She presses her hands between her legs, looking like she's trying to literally hold her pee in.

"Well, get to the toilet before you have an accident." You tell her. She immediately springs up off the table and runs straight for your bathroom, and promptly freezes as though she doesn't know what to do as you follow her in. "Go ahead and sit on the toilet."

She is quick to do as she is told, immediately running for the toilet. However, it seems her psychology played a dirty trick on her due to how much she must have been holding it in, and before she even reaches the toilet you here a splattering sound on the floor, and a big "Oh no!" From her. In her panic, she actually holds the front of her skirt down and directly into the stream, before she finally makes her way onto the toilet, you're too stunned over the sudden development to really even take in that sight, your attention is instead directed toward her downcast expression over wetting herself despite standing right in front of the toilet. Your gaze only falls to her exposed pussy as she is pushing out the last few trickles of urine.

Well, 2 hours is not an extremely long time to hold it in, although she is a 7 year old. You bet though she hadn't used the toilet for a while before her first punishment either.

"It's Ok honey." You say, rubbing her upper back and lightly hugging her shoulders. "Why did you wait so long if you had to pee that badly?"

"I... I don't knowww! I... I just didn't want to stop playing." She said and started crying."

"Shhh... shhh... It's Ok. It's fine. I already told you right? Just make sure next time you go before recess." She continued to cry as you half hugged her. Well, now what are you supposed to do about this?