The Entertainer/Felicia accept to go into the darkness

From All The Fallen Stories
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She smiled up to her. "Okay! I'm gonna accept!" The woman had sigh and groaned, slumping her head before picking Felicia up. "Fine...I was really hopeful you'd go to your brothers and tell them to come here!" She had a fake smile on her lips, looking at Felicia. Somehow, her annoyed attitude reassured the little girl that she was speaking the truth. "Now now...Don't be scared! Once downstairs, I will let you onto the ground, and you will feel something very nice!" The woman went through the door and closed it. They were now in pitch black darkness. Felicia tightened her grasp on the woman, but didn't say a word.

"My, my! Someone is scared of the darkness! But fret not, soon it will be all over...You too, will see into the darkness." She laughed up boastfully. Not too soon and Felicia instead felt herself given to someone else. "Huh? Who is this?" She was too afraid to move, and instead allowed herself into the arms of the stranger. "Oh, I'm sorry little lady. This man wants to see you..." She groaned. "Hi little girl! Daddy's gonna have a lot of fun with you!" "Um..." Felicia shudder. "What are you gonna do to me...?" She could feel him walk while being dandled into his arms. "My, a little girl like you...So many things I could do! You're making my wife jealous just with your cute little look, you know?" "I'd run away but I can't! Felicia finally admits.

"Hmhm! You should have thought twice before going with a complete stranger! But all the things she said to you? They're all true~" The man cooed up softly to her ears. She could hear a door open. "Where are we going?" "Somewhere more comfortable!" She could feel her head being brushed by a hand. "...Why?" She ask. "I can't give you powers on the ground! I want to give them to you in a proper place! We're almost there..." She could hear another door open up. Not a few moment passed and she could feel a sitting motion, feeling herself on the lap of the stranger. "Mister...This is scary..." She pressed herself against him despite what she just said, feeling the same sort of strange attraction from the woman just by listening to his voice. She could feel a hug around her. "I know..." Felicia's ears perked up as she heard a strange noise from the stranger. "I know..." He repeated.

"Go to sleep, okay? Everything will be just fine..." He cooed up, placing her in a sleeping position on a comfortable bed. Felicia felt something bite into her neck. She screamed out while losing consciousness