Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First week/Charity/Bevvy/Skirt only, augment punishment/Love/Climax/sex/finish/little later

From All The Fallen Stories
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"It can't go inside you when it's small like that." You tell her. "I'm a little too tired to make it big again right now, I promise I will stick it inside you again later."

"Hmmm..." She groans and then climbs up over her sister and cuddles up to your side. You are feeling rather nice with her bare skin against your arm as the weight of two girls, both younger than 10, who you just filled with your semen lay on top of you.

Charity's breathing is finally starting to settle down, and she gives her little sister a giant smile as they come face to face, and then looks up at you. "Wow! That was CRAZY!" She says. "Why does it feel so much more good when you touch my privates than when August does?"

"Well," you say, searching your head for a little while. "Part of it is that you really are not supposed to do those sorts of things with your brother. Maybe you could hear god telling you that it shouldn't feel good when your brother was the one touching you. He was trying to save you from going to hell if you started doing it with like I just did."

"Really?" She responds with a disappointed sounding voice.

"Yes, it is a major sin for you to enjoy having your privates touched by your brother." You tell her. You feel a little bad spinning a story like that, especially when you and Beatriz had such a good relationship. You might have even encouraged their relationship if it weren't for what you've already heard about the little snot from Luana. Of course, this also helps that it limits her options for acceptable and available partners.

"So, I have to talk to you girls about this a little." You tell them. "I was supposed to punish you two for things you did, what we just did was supposed to make you feel ashamed. If anyone finds out that you liked what we just did, they will call you whores and say that you can't get married."

"What!? But... I thought you said I'm not a whore if it's for punishment!" Bevvy said.

"You're not, don't worry." You say, rubbing her head. "But, this is supposed to be something you only do with your husband, and only after you get married. You are supposed to not like it if someone who is not your husband does it with you, but I could tell both of you liked doing it a lot."

"Mmm..." Charity makes an uncomfortable sound and tucks her chin down.

"So, I am going to make you girls a deal, Ok? If you don't tell anybody about your punishments, I will write a note that makes it seem like you hated it. That way, everybody will think you have been punished properly and I don't have to do anything you really won't like. They might want me to put some things over your privates so you can't even touch yourself if you want to if they know you like it."

"What!? Umm... Ok, I won't tell anybody!" Charity agrees.

"But will you touch our privates like this again still?" Bevvy asks.

"Yes, but only if you don't tell anybody. I don't want you to lie, lying is also a sin. I just want you to not say anything. If anybody asks you about your punishment, refuse to say anything. You know you always want to tell people about stuff when it's good, right? So, if you don't want to talk about it, that will make people think it must have been bad, and that way you won't get in trouble but you also won't have to lie."

"Really!?" Bevvy responds. "Wow, that's smart!"

"Actually, just to be safe, I think I might even write the punishment to look like I'm not even touching Charity down there at all. They already know I'm touching you down there Bevvy, but I think we can make it so Charity can keep coming in here without anyone knowing she's even being touched down there at all."

"Ok!" Bevvy agrees enthusiastically.

"What are you going to say?" Charity asks.

"I'm just going to say you were really upset about how August was touching you, so you wanted to try to reclaim some of your purity by getting a boyfriend and have him touch you instead. That way, even though what you did with your friend at recess was bad, it will not be as bad if everyone knows why you did it. I can make it so you are coming in here to get counseling, so you can learn not to do things like that, and then if you want I can make you feel good during your therapy so long as you don't tell anyone about it."

"Ok." Charity says with a big blush. "You know what? You're really nice!" She says and hugs you.

"One more thing though." You tell them. "Since your brother touching you is a problem and we need to make sure we show some concern over it, you two are going to come to my house after school. We will send a note to your parents so that they are not worried, they're going to have to do something about your brother so he doesn't touch you down there anymore."

"Mmm..." Bevvy seems a little unsure about this for the first time.

"I.. guess." Charity says.

Well, looks like that's all worked out now. There should be around one more hour of class time before it's time to go home.