3PB/Jason Carter

From All The Fallen Stories
< 3PB
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Your name is Jason Carter. You just turned six, and you are in Kindergarten. Your dad does not live with you, you see him sometimes on the weekends because your mother says that "the courts" say she has to let you see him. You like your dad, but sometimes when your mother talks about him you get the impression she does not like him. Because your mom works, she is not at home all the time when you go home from school and she has to have a babysitter for you and your sister..

You have an older sister, Sarah. She's 9, that means she's 3 years older than you. She goes to the same school you do, and when school lets out she walks home together with you. You are alone when you first get home, but after about 10 minutes or so your babysitter gets there.