Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia/1st/Office

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 04:11, 19 December 2019 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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"Alright, I think she might be able to stay calm in my office then. It's pretty quiet in there when there's nothing going on, and the lighting is a little softer." Not to mention the sound proofing in the room, so there really shouldn't be much to stimulate her... except for you of course, but that's not what you are doing right now. "Alright Sonia, please come on back to my office. We're going to sit quietly for a little while as I am reading these papers about how you are supposed to be handling school, Ok?"

She just sniffles and stands up, and then she actually latches onto your arm as she is being lead into the room. You only just met her for the first time today, what's with this kid? Well, you suppose it's not really a bad thing, at least not right now. Giving up, you allow her all the physical contact with your arm she wants, which she seems to really be pressing her entire upper body into it and also pressing her face into your upper arm as well. It is kinda making it difficult to walk, but you bear with it anyway. Actually... it's kinda cute in a somewhat odd way.

Once you get in your office and the door is closed, you come over to the couch and sit her down. "Alright, you stay here, I will be at my desk reading, Ok?" You say in a gentle tone. She sniffles and nods, and then lets go of your arm. You go back to your desk and read the document over. As you skim over the first few lines, there is one thing that jumps out at you as slightly surprising. It says the primary language spoken at home is Spanish. You look up at her in slight surprise. You suppose the family name Guerra ought to have been something of a hint, but her skin really does not look olive at all. Well, no, the answer to why this is should be so obvious you could kick yourself. Her ancestry must be European Spanish rather than Latin American.

Well, that aside, time to get into the meat of her IEP. According to this, she has an emotional cognitive disability that prevents her from being able to process and digest information effectively. An overload of new information causes her to experience stress, and she has difficulty dealing with being rushed. As Mrs. Varano mentioned, it also talks about one of her coping mechanisms being to enter an age regressive state, and it appears she has thrown temper tantrums in the middle of class at her old school.

As you are reading, it seems Sonia is growing bored as she looks around the room. She gets up from the couch, immediately looking over to you for what your reaction is going to be. When you look back at her but don't say anything, she starts to explore the room more actively. Eventually, she finds the changing table. There is still some of your semen on there from having recently given a punishment to Tihana Morandi. You were just cooling down from that and hadn't had the chance to clean up after yourself from that when Sonia showed up. Fortunately, Sonia seemed to ignore that part and seemed more interested in the basket beneath it. Well, there shouldn't be anything in there that can cause too much trouble. Certainly plenty of stuff she probably won't understand, but nothing that should cause immediate trouble.

You continue to read her IEP. It appears that, provided she is given enough time to work on her own, she actually performs pretty well academically. She does seem to have some physical coordination issues though and is prone to falls, so it seems she is afraid to try very hard at PE for fear of hurting herself. After that, it is some information about who has been read into her IEP and what the reporting schedule is like. From this, it looks like the records back at her old school involved a lot of people, but here at this school there are only 4 people on this. They are Mrs. Varano, Her 5th grade teacher from last year, and her 6th grade teacher for this year. It doesn't look from the previous school documents that it is common for the principal to be read in on the IEP in the first place, but it seems like he ought to at least know about it. Or, maybe he does, he just doesn't know all the details.

Around the time you finish reading, Sonia seems to have pulled out a diaphragm and is looking at it curiously, squishing the outer retaining ring of it between her fingers as she experaments with it.

"Alright Sonia, we're ready to get started." You tell her.

"What's this?" She asks, holding up the diaphragm.

Answer her question

Tell her to put it back so you can start with her punishment