PIP/Shunned/Perving on Hannah

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I was about to leave the bathroom, when it occurred to me that I should really wait and see how Hannah reacted when she saw my cum, not to mention her virgin blood, coming out of her pussy. I watched as she got the shower ready, and got in as though it were nothing. She drew the shower curtain closed, but I couldn't have that; so I grabbed it and opened it back up. I stepped back to watch, and shortly thereafter she noticed the curtain was open, and closed it again. I went back over, and opened the curtain back up. This time I kept hold of the curtain, and she didn't seem to notice that it was open anymore. I was getting a little wet from the mist off the shower, but at least I could watch her bathe this way.

I was getting aroused again watching her bathe. It wasn't that she was doing it in erotic manner. Quite the contrary, it was a pretty simple bathing routine. She was scrubbing herself rather casually with the loofah. She was following her routine so casually in fact, that she didn't seem to notice anything unusual that all about her privates. I suppose she could pass off the cum as un-lathered soap; and there was very little virgin blood for her to even notice. That really didn't help me understand my power any better, but I suppose it's to be expected that they won't immediately notice everything that's different. At that point I wasn't sure whether was my power causing it, or just her lack of attention to detail. The only thing I had really accomplished here was to get a raging boner again.

I took off my clothes, and threw them in a corner. It looked like Hannah was about to get out of the shower, so I stepped in behind her and stopped her from leaving. Without missing a step she started showering again. I ran my hands over my sister's wet body as I pushed up behind her, my cock nestled between the cushiony mounds of her ass. I let my hands wander up to her breasts, and started kneading them as I was hot-dogging my cock in the crack of her ass. I was starting to feel it rather intensely, so I pushed her forward, pressing her head and shoulders against the shower. She put her arms up to steady herself as I lined my cock up with her recently deflowered cunt. I tried putting my cock into her pussy, but the water had washed away a lot of her natural lubricant. It seems counterintuitive, but she was a lot drier in the shower than she was out of it.

Luckily, there was some baby oil on hand. I lubed up my cock, and pressed it back against her pubescent pussy. This time I was able to slide in, the water unable to wash away the baby oil. Science works. I was fucking my sister again, in the shower this time. How incredible my life it suddenly become. I was lasting a lot longer this time, and I was able to relish the feeling of my sisters pussy grabbing my cock almost like it was a hand . . . but better.

"Hannah," yelled my mom from outside the door, "hurry up. Don't use all the hot water. Other people need to take a shower too."

"Just a minute mom," she replied, "I'm almost done. Sheesh!"

While I was really enjoying the feeling of fucking my sister again; I didn't want to get her in trouble. I backed away, and let her finish her shower. She almost immediately righted herself and turned off the shower. She got out of the shower started drying off, when she suddenly noticed my clothes in corner. She went over and pick them up, her brow scrunched up as she tried to figure out where they'd come from. After a bit, she just threw them in the hamper. I could tell she was still curious about where they had come from, but she didn't seem to be able to attach them to me in any way.

I watched her as she looked for her clothes. I hadn't thought to bring in a change of clothes for her. She looked a bit concerned and confused. Then she rolled her eyes and sighed heavily.

"Mom," she yelled, "I forgot my PJs. Could you bring them to me?"

"For God's sake, Hannah," replied my mom, "I suppose you'd forget your head if it weren't attached."

Shortly thereafter the door open and my mom's hand appeared with my sisters nightgown in them. Hannah grabbed it quickly and threw it over her head. I finish watching my sister dress, then followed her out the door.
