Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Preg

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Anyway, Sonia's case is another thing that's really fucked up. I know what you said in the car and all about her IEP not representing any actual mental disability, but it's still definitely not right. She's only 11, and obviously she's incredibly gifted in order to be able to do homework for a kid 4 whole grades above hers and earn good grades on it. But, thanks to the rules here, I'm supposed to fuck and likely knock the kid up!? I don't think I really got into just how much I did to knock down her punishment. It's a good thing Dr. Hartell wanted those blood samples, it allowed me to make a deal that let me knock it down even more. It's the whole reason I managed to justify the arrangement to make it good for her."

"I completely discounted all of the previous year's violations, using the fact that she was the one to volunteer the information as an excuse to dismiss all of that. I also did not touch her when she was in my office and confessed her violation. I just brought her to the kindergarten class in order to get her out of Mr. Loso's class, and after what I've heard I think I will be keeping her there until her placement evaluation comes in and gets her promoted a few grades. She's not going back to Mr. Loso's class ever again. Not to mention my whole deal with you to show her sex before doing it to her, that way she's not scared."

"The guidelines actually call for me to make the sex traumatic. It literally wants me to rape these kids. I hate it, I may have a sexual attraction to kids but I love kids. I do want to have sex with them, but I want it to be enjoyable. I didn't really even want to do this job, but it was pretty clear they were going to give it to someone. So, that being the case, I decided to take it so that at least I could make it less traumatic whenever I could get away with it. FUCK! I can't even always do that! They would actually have a fit if the girls who were to recieve sexual punishments came out of my office with beaming smiles on their faces. They WANT the girls coming out in tears! Fortunately, that's only the most severe violators of the rules, but it's still... ugh! I feel like a part of me dies every time I have to do that!" You pour your heart out on this one, lamenting how traumatic your first few encounters with Tihana Morandi were in particular. Her case was definitely the worst.

"I can't even imagine." Maria said. "Well, as I said before, I'm glad it's you." She says this and leans forward, and then... much to your surprise, she wraps her arms around you and lays a big sloppy kiss on your lips. This nearly knocks you off your stool, and you have to catch yourself on the bar. In fact, with both your hands occupied just trying to make sure you don't go tumbling onto the floor, you are completely helpless to prevent her drunken advances as she begins feeling up your chest. Ironically, the thing that saves you is a few loud cheers from the observing prostitutes. This seems to make Maria remember that she's being watched, and when she comes up off of you, the combination between embarrassment and her own drunkenness has her olive skinned face turned a bright shade of crimson. "DAMN! It's hot in here, huh?" She giggles and starts fanning herself as she continues to look around the room in her embarrassment.

You right yourself and try to get a bit composed. You are at something of a loss for words as to what to do about her actions. You are left just himing and hawing for an uncomfortable half minute, before you finally decide to just ignore it and change the subject. "S..so! Umm... as I said, I'm not exactly crazy about the idea, but this might wind up getting Sonia pregnant. If that happens, it will make her have to go to a different special class taught by the principal. I don't think that would be good for her. What... do you think about that?"

"Oh, don't worry about it! She hasn't even had her first period yet!" Maria says. "As for the rest of it, it's like we've been saying. It's this fucking town! You're great though, and you already promised to make it good for her, right? If you keep your promise, it shouldn't be a problem at all."

Hasn't had her first period yet? You are starting to sense a strange pattern here. Dr. Hartell said Sonia's ovulating right now, but Maria said Sonia's not had her first period. Then, Dr. Hartell also says Maria's ovulating, but Maria reports she's barren and doesn't even menstruate. Dr. Hartell also said she got something strange in the hormones from Sonia and her sister. That's the whole reason Dr. Hartell wanted the whole family to give blood samples.