Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Alone

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 23:42, 1 January 2020 by Notsooldpervert (talk | contribs)
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You and Maria are practically falling over each other as you bring her inside. She's definitely unsteady on her feet, she drank more than you for certain. "I... I gotta use the bathroom!" She says in a somewhat urgent tone. Well, alcohol IS a diuretic, so it's probably best to get both your bladders empty before you start anything. You guide her to your bathroom, and in your drunkenness you decide it would be a good idea to drag down her skirt and her underwear for her as you sit her on the toilet. She doesn't actually complain, but then your muscle memory starts taking over from times you have had students in your bathroom and you begin undressing her from the waist down, removing her shoes, skirt, and panties completely. She's still fine with this much, until you start removing your own shoes and pants. After that, she's staring at your throbbing hard-on, already inflated by the pill you took in the car.

"Are... are we going to do it in here!?" She asks in a bit of a panic.

"No, it's just... I need to go too." You tell her, pushing her legs apart and getting down on your knees with your own shoes as cushions as you spread her legs and aim your dick at her pussy. It's perfectly hairless, just like Tihana's, Charity's, and Bevvy's. For some reason, this doesn't strike you as all that wierd. It's what you see every day after all. Then, "Oh yeah, it's because she's an adult" you wind up saying out loud. Maybe you've also had more to drink than you realized.

"I'm sorry." She looks down, a little depressed over your words.

"Oh, no! It's fine!" You say in a panic. "I was just wondering why I thought it was unusual to see a hairless pussy when I see them so much normally, and I remembered it's because you're an adult. I actually think it's beautiful."

"Oh yeah, because you also do it with other little girls too." She said, sounding even more depressed. Shit! Your careless comments and actions are just digging you a deeper hole here. Well, she's drunk too, so maybe you can get away with a little more anyway.

"Hey, that's just my job, alright? It's not like I enjoy the hell out of it, like I was just saying... umm... let's just go." You say, and then start bearing down and peeing between Maria's legs. A spark of ascent flashes through her eyes, and she also focuses on that and begins letting out a massive stream of her own as the two streams cross and cause splatter to spray up at your face until you direct them apart. After you are done, your muscle memory from dealing with little girls you semi-molest on the toilet takes over and you pull off some toilet paper and wipe for her. Again, she doesn't really complain, but it only occurs to you when you are dropping the paper in the bowl that might have been too far. Or rather, you've already gone too far and that was just continuing to push it.