Disciplinary Action/Characters/Ninth Grade/Stella

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Stella Ross

Stella Ross
Ninth Grade
A quiet bookish girl, but is set off easily over her lack of physical development. This is doubly true ever since last year when she was held back to repeat the 8th grade just because she was too short, even though her academics were fine. She is very protective of her little sisters.


Mother - 29
Stephanie Ross
Daughter - 11
Rebecca Ross (Daughter - 11)
Daughter - 11
Rachel Ross (Daughter - 11)



School Activities


Since the other students discovered that Stella has no (reported) father, she has been largely shunned by her other classmates. As such, she has become used to sitting by herself and reading or finding other forms of entertainment. The only time any other students payed any attention to her was to bully her or just say cruel things.

Due to her mother's neglectful nature, she has had to more or less raise her little sisters and is very protective of them. She tries to get by as best she can despite her treatment at school. Lately, she has been noticing the other students in her class are outgrowing her, and some girls are beginning to develop breasts. She was sorta concerned about this at first, but it became even worse when, despite her top-of-the-class grades, she was held back a year just because she was short and underdeveloped. She is now in the same class as Pearl Accardi, and can perform every bit as well as her academically. However, she does not receive the same kind of recognition due to how her family is treated by the town. She knows this is all because of her lack of a father, and has come to accept this as her unfortunate fate.

4th wall info. Stella has undiagnosed Kallmann syndrome, which means she will not go through puberty without treatment (thus why she is short and has no breasts) and she does not have a sense of smell (something she has never realized because... how can you be aware you are lacking a sense you have never had since birth?) However, Kallmann syndrome's treatment just so happens to coincidentally be exactly what Dr. Hartell's is giving to the entire school. As such, her lack of development ought to sort itself out rather soon. This will not, however, correct the fact that she also does not have a sense of smell.