Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Alone/Bed/Oops

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 00:56, 4 January 2020 by Notsooldpervert (talk | contribs)
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Yeah, you definitely just had a premature ejaculation. That's embarrassing. How can you seriously have a premature ejaculation after you already had sex three times earlier in the same day!? Dr. Hartell's treatment to help you produce more sperm must be effective. The alcohol probably helped too. You really don't want her to find out. If you had been sober, you would probably do the smart thing and keep fucking her and hope the increases sperm production thing and the blue pills together would help you to shoot off again. But, you had alcohol in your system so you did the thing you would do with neither one of those things. You immediately pulled out and started sloppily eating her pussy.

"Ahh! What are you doing?" Maria asks.

"You're too dry, I can't fuck like this." You lie.

"Oh, Ok." She says, and then lays back and lets you keep licking and licking up all your sploodge from inside her. She lets out a content sounding sigh as you continue to lick. This does not seem to be getting her off like you thought it might though. After a little bit, you hear snoring. This pretty much confirms you are not having the effect you thought this might. So, you just give up. Your dick is still rock-hard though. The pill has certainly not worn off.