A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Take off her bikini top

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to take off my top..."

"That's the spirit!"

"Go for it!"

Spurred on by the rather enthusiastic encouragement from the two teens Sally set her towel on the floor and grabbed the bottom hem of her bikini top. Taking a deep breath to brace herself she closed her eyes and quickly pulled it up her chest and over her head, holding it her hands high above her head. Feeling the blood rush to her cheeks yet again she slowly opened her eyes to see Wes and Randall's reaction and just like they said, they seemed unbothered by her actions and just gave her encouraging smiles.

"See, it's not so bad," said Randall.

Sally questioned that statement as she became keenly aware of her quickening heartbeat, unable to shake the feeling of shame and vulnerability that came with being topless in front of two boys, even if they were her brother's friends. In addition she felt a weird sensation in her nipples, and looking down she could see them forming hard little points on her undeveloped chest. Confusion started to push out the shame from her head, unable to fathom why her nipples would harden when it wasn't cold in her house.

"They're very cute you know."

Sally startled a little from being pulled from her thoughts.

"Wh-What are?" she stammered out.

"Your nipples," Wes responded as Randall nodded in agreement. "They look very cute, especially with how they stiffened up like that."

"O-Oh, um, thank you, I think?"

She was now thoroughly confused. Never-mind how events led her to taking her top off for them, or why her nipples got hard for no clear reason, but now they're complementing her nipples? She always overheard them and Devin talking about older girls with big boobs, so what made her and her flat chest so special?

Either way this was starting to get too much for Sally, and something in the back of her mind was warning her to call it quits here. That, and an odd feeling like nervousness building in her core. For once she heeded the vague notion in her head and slid her top back on and into place and picked her towel back up.

"Um, thanks for the complements, but I really should get going before a line forms for the pool."

"It's no problem Sally, in fact thank you for being willing to try something like that for us."

"Yeah, if you ever want to work on your courage just come and find us and try undressing again."

"Okay, I'll think about it. Thanks again guys, see you later!"

And with that she moved over to the front door. Courage, huh? She hadn't thought of that, but now that they mentioned it she did feel a little braver after willingly showing them her chest. And with that happy thought she skipped out the doorway and down the hall for the community area, completely oblivious to the teen boys back in her house high-fiving each other.

Does anything interesting happen on her way down the hall?