Disciplinary Action/Sonia/Discipline/Answer

From All The Fallen Stories
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He explained that it was a woman's... uhh.... something. He used a lot of complicated words that flew right over her head, she really wished what he was talking about was in a book so she could read instead. She had a lot of trouble understanding things that were told to her by other people. But, she did catch that it was some kind of thing for a punishment for girls, and only when they were really bad, but... it was just a piece of foam. It was so soft. It didn't seem like this could hurt anybody in a way that's like a spanking or something. So, she immediately asked how this could possibly be used in a punishment of any kind.

"Uhh... well... do you remember your sex-ed class?" He asked. What did he say there? Exed? Ex-ed? Sex Edd? Maybe it was something about something being dead? She had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, he was using strange words again but this time he was asking about some kind of class he thought she should have had. She shook her head, but at the same time she was starting to get a little worried she might have maybe taken this class he told her about and just didn't realize anything the teacher was saying and forgot to read the book to help her out.

When he follows this up by asking her what she knows about "sex." That strange word again. So, he DID say sex, and not ex or lex or something like that. She was paying closer attention to how he was saying it this time because she was so confused. But, this was genuinely the first time she could ever remember hearing that word, so she told him so.

Well, this guy was still really nice and so he told her about what this sex thing is. Apparently it is something that you use on a girl and when you do it makes her pregnant. Pregnant was... wait, that was the English word for making it so a mommy is going to have a baby, right!? Catrina keeps saying how she wants to have a baby for her mother but doesn't know how she's supposed to be pregnant, she's going to be so happy when she tells her that there's a way for her to get a baby. Wait, he said it was for a punishment?

"What kind of things can you get punished for by making you pregnant?" She asked. It wasn't good to break the rules, but if the school is going to use this sex thing and make her have a baby like she wants to then it's ultimately a good thing, right? The answer she gets is that fighting and skipping school are two things that will make a girl be punished with sex and make her pregnant, but there was a third thing too. Something called "Cheating." She had heard that word before, it was Mr. Loso who said it when she told him about how she helped Elias by doing his homework for him. He seemed very happy when he heard that, so she thought maybe cheating was a good thing, but he also said she would get in trouble if anyone found out about it so she shouldn't tell anyone else. Was it actually against the rules?

No, first she had to know what cheating was exactly and if Mr. Loso was really telling the truth that she was cheating. He was mean, so he might also be a liar. This man seemed really nice though, so he ought to tell the truth. What he told her was that it was things like peeking at someone else's answers or peeking at the teacher's answer key. So, in other words, it was when you gave answers that you didn't get out of the books or from the teacher. She felt relieved, that meant Mr. Loso really was lying. She answered Elias' homework because she actually knew all that stuff. Maybe Mr. Loso was just being mean and saying it was cheating because he thought she couldn't really know the answers to his homework? No, if she was being honest with herself, it could also be something else.

"Would doing someone else's homework be cheating?" She asked. Much to her horror though, he answered that it was cheating, and it wasn't just cheating for her doing the homework. It was also cheating for Elias because she was doing his homework for him. Oh no! Did she actually get Elias in trouble and not know about it!? "Oh no!" She wound up saying out loud. Well, she had to tell the truth all the time, so now she absolutely had to tell this nice man about it. She really hoped he didn't wind up hating her for breaking the rules like this. "I've been doing Elias Banko's homework because I wanted him to like me. Can boys get pregnant? You said it was just a punishment for girls, right? Maybe I can get pregnant twice and so Elias doesn't have to be punished!"

The nice handsome man looks troubled about all the things she just told him. Is he able to talk to the punishment person so he can make only her pregnant for the punishment? He has been really nice so far, maybe he will keep being nice and help her. He explains more stuff about pregnancy and risk, but none of it really makes sense to her at all. He just says it all too fast, and she's already upset, so she can't figure out anything about what he's saying. He also asks about how many papers she's turned in for him, and she does some math in her head and then asks for him to give her double that number of punishments so Elias doesn't have to be punished at all. As for his answer...