Heir to an Empire/Krellins

From All The Fallen Stories
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WIP After a few days of talking to Vlex and fucking Flura, a Krellin ship finally docks with us. I get called to a the same shuttle bay as the Gray's ship, Vlex tags along. We meet the captain in the shuttle bay and he says "I was told to have you prepped and ready for departure once the Krellins come onboard". After a few minutes the bay doors open and several pink skinned humanoids with black hair come out and immediately begin scanning the gray's ship, a few even go inside of it. They all war similar uniforms, the men were wearing black sleeveless shirt with a red horizontal stripe at the shoulder, red gauntlets, black pants tucked in to black knee high boots. The women were wearing a similar shirt but it was cropped and they all showed lots of cleavage, red gauntlets, black booty shorts that exposed their ass cheeks, black pantyhose, and knee high high heeled boots. One of the females Krellins comes over to us and says "is this him" in a british like accient, She looks quite attractive with curly raven hair pulled into a tight bun, black eyes, perky tits and what I can see of her body is quite toned. Captain Graates nods and says "yes sir" she then grabs my arm and drags me to her ship. "Can I at least say good bye to my friend?" I ask. she shoves me through a door on her ship and says "ugh, we are not friends with lesser races, they serve us, that is all. Now move". As we walk through the corridors of the ship, I think if this chick wasn't such a bitch she might be attractive. She grabs my arm and says here, we then walk through a door.

I see what look like several examination tables and some high tech equipment. In the corner of the room is a smaller room and with a large window looking into to the main room, at the desk in the smaller room is two men, one sitting the other standing. The man sitting has brown hair with a hint of grey and clean shaven, the man standing has slicked back black hair and a thick mustache. When the men see us the immediately come over to us, the dark haired man says "welcome to Cornivus or at least its sick bay, I'm captain Jarrock Stroughs and this is doctor Norick Vans" the doctor then says "I'd like to examine you, the Dactrons or great scientists but know very little of or biology and physiology" you say "umm ok sure, I guess" doctor Vans then says "great have a seat" he motions to one of the exam tables and I hop on it

What do you do?