Talk:PIP/Shunned/Perving on Hannah

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 19:09, 11 February 2020 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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Well, that failed. You got yourself cock-blocked too. Go bring her to her room, stick it back in, and finish properly. Then, dip her own finger into herself so that not only does she have an explanation for why her pants are off (masturbating,) but she's also almost guaranteed to find your cum leaking from her this time. (that is, unless it winds up being a small load since you just came in her not even 30 minutes ago.) Jemini (talk) 21:39, 31 December 2019 (UTC)

Even better, bring her to your own room. The one that's getting ignored. That might get more possible interesting reactions. It would also prevent your mom or siblings from coming in and noticing the cum leaking from her snatch. Jemini (talk) 05:50, 1 January 2020 (UTC)

Also, what happens to people or things in the MC's room? Do they get ignored as well, or do people start wondering where the person or thing in your room went? Jemini (talk) 16:22, 1 January 2020 (UTC)

That is part of what is delaying me in writing this (though most of it is having returned to work). The first difficulty I was having was: "How should a person act when brought into a place of which they cannot acknowledge the existence?" The second, as you have pointed out, is: "How should others react when they aren't directly affected by Lathan's power?" If Lathan leads a child out of view of their parent; logically that parent would notice the absence of the child and raise a fuss. On the other hand, if the parent saw Lathan take their child they should unconsciously accommodate him, and not notice the absence. So my take is that those who witness Lathan's actions will think nothing of a missing individual; but those who do not will act normally . . . I'm still working on the first conundrum . . . I had only considered him using his room as a "Fortress of Solitude" not so much as a "Playboy's Bedroom". --Elerneron (talk) 15:45, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

I was actually wondering if another possibility might be that anyone or anything that winds up in his room, and only as long as they are in his room, gets treated by others exactly the same way they treat him. As in, forget about their very existence until they come out of his room. A suggestion as a way the person in his room might react, maybe they enter a less calm version of a zen state? They would become hyper aware of their own body and every little thing going on with it, and all sensations would be enhanced. (Except for sensations caused by Lathan, until he's finished that is.) The real question is, if they are ignoring the very floor and whatever they're sitting on, they would probably make no attempt to move on their own power. They would probably think they're dreaming or something, as though they were floating in a dark void or something. (Just some suggestions. Use any or none of this, whatever makes sense to you.) Jemini (talk) 19:11, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

(Also, if you seriously weren't expecting anyone to want to take someone into Lathan's room, then you obviously have never been a DM for a game of D&D before. This sort of thing is just what happens when you allow someone to give completely open-ended responses for what's being done next.) Jemini (talk) 23:30, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

Yes, D&D will ruin any DM's day.

Spell caster has a spell that can transfer any damage taken to another target. Spell doesn't expire until the caster dies

DM says there's a healing pool in a safe zone. Any damage taken is instantly healed. Monsters can't enter the safe zone and it can't be destroyed.

Spell caster casts the spell on himself and then the rest of his party. Spell caster sits in healing pool while the rest of the party defeat king Biggus Dickus and his minions the Scrotumites, all while being invincible.

IMHO, the DM was just asking for someone to try it. --MrPib (talk) 23:50, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

It was more of the fact that I hadn't considered that the point of giving Lathan a room with his power on it would be to house others, not that it wasn't a possibility. I have had my share of players messing with my carefully laid plans, myself. One time I designed an elaborate stronghold that the player's needed to rescue a half-angel/half-demon from, complete with encounters throughout the whole thing. I had plans for a stealth attempt, combat attempt, diplomatic attempt . . . but I didn't have plans for them scaling the outside and going straight to the tower where she was being held. I had to do a lot of improvising that session. I'll get to this sometime this weekend, hopefully. I have a severe toothache; but hopefully my dentist appointment tomorrow with remedy that. As it is I am not in the right mood to write. --Elerneron (talk) 18:50, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

So, if you're not continuing this, do you mind if I do it? Or rather, I could just rip the content for it's own unique stand-alone story, however since the editing permissions are "ask" I could probably also just push the story here as well. Jemini (talk) 21:11, 10 February 2020 (CET)

I don't have any issue with you picking it up. The truth is, even though I always plan on returning to my stories; the longer that I am away from them the less likely I am to pick them back up. If you're willing to keep it in the PIP Universe (Allowing for crossovers between stories) and willing to keep things linear rather than branching; I would prefer it remain here. If you need it to be separate from the PIP Universe, or need it to branch I would begrudgingly agree to moving it away. I look forward to where you go with the story. --Elerneron (talk) 17:41, 11 February 2020 (CET)

Ok. More often than not it seems like I just go down one single path anyway for long stretches even in the stories with multiple options. I might very well like to make use of the voting options though if we can re-introduce that into this branch. (That will also allow for me to add in a lot more options than what I normally do, I usually try to keep the branches reasonable but if all other branches are eliminated once one is chosen then I can include as many options as I want) Jemini (talk) 20:09, 11 February 2020 (CET)