Mother's Helping Hand/Start/Virgin/MC

From All The Fallen Stories
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"I... I don't know." You say. "I mean, even if you can bring a girl here, at this point I don't even think I'd know what to do when it came to getting her to have sex with me."

"Oh come on now Jack! Now you're REALLY being pathetic!" Your mother really has an exasperated tone to her voice.

"Well who the hell do you think MADE me this way!?" You demand right back. "Didn't I just get done telling you!? I barely even know how to talk to a friend! Let alone a girl! How the fucking hell do you think I'm supposed to have the social skills to talk a girl into taking off her clothes for me and letting me have sex with her!?"

Your mother makes an irritated sound and bites her finger. Her eyes are darting all over the room as she seems both genuinely hurt and also remorseful after the chewing out you just gave her. "Well..." She stammers, she looks like she's really trying to think hard. "Maybe if you... no, if he's really as bad off as he says, there's a chance it could even go wrong with a little one like that." She's muttering to herself and pacing the room furiously. "A little one, wait..." She suddenly trails off. "Ok, I think I've got a way to fix this!" She suddenly declares and turns to you. "You said you like mind control porn, right? Well, what would you do if I told you that was actually possible?"

"What!? You can't be serious!" You respond, looking your mother straight in the eye as if she's crazy.

She gets a very strange look in her eye and looks you dead in the face. "Oh no my son, I am very serious. You have no idea about the connections I have, and I happen to also have someone who would have exactly what you need...

4th wall reader decision time