Talk:Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Princess Moon

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 00:23, 6 March 2020 by Telgar (talk | contribs)
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Decided to have Princess be the one managing the middle school girls in the morning to make sure they get to their school on time, mostly this is because it was a good excuse to have her seen with the other middle schoolers while Jack was looking out the window. If a reader is choosing a character for age-based reasons, then she's going to appeal more to those who want a middle schooler than a high schooler. So, it made sense to group her together with them and that was a good opportunity for it in the lore. Jemini (talk) 01:07, 6 March 2020 (CET)

Sounds good and a perfect buildup for some humourous reactions from Mom when the MC tries to pick her. I see the words "That one will eat you alive." Lol. Telgar (talk) 16:23, 5 March 2020 (PST