Mother's Helping Hand/Start/Virgin/MC/Low Magic/Probe/Agree

From All The Fallen Stories
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Alright, so the terms were not to actually cause them any kind of injury and if they get pregnant then they are going to have the baby. You repeat that second part over in your mind. If they get pregnant... You can really feel your dick hardening as the gravity of the situation really starts to kick in. You really are going to get to fuck these two little girls. All you gotta do is agree to this woman's terms. Well, even if you don't agree, it sounds like you will still get to fuck them. The only thing this does is make them remain yours. Yours to use again and again for the rest of their lives... Yeah, Ok, you gotta admit there actually is something overwhelmingly appealing about this.

"Y... yeah! Ok. I can accept those terms." You mutter.

"That's great." The woman says. "Ok, Jane, Julie." She speaks to the girls and then goes up to place a hand on each of their shoulders. "You two are Jack's slaves now, and you are also going to be expelled from school because you are becoming his permanent slaves. I am going to recognize this contract, if you two agree as well then your souls will be bound to his until the moment of your death. This is what you wanted, isn't it? You are finally going to have the limits and structure to your life you always wanted, I am certain this punishment will be enough to fill your need."

"Ok Ms. Moon." One of them says.

"You mean we don't have to go to school anymore?" The other asks.

"Yes, but you will absolutely have to do everything Jack tells you to do." She tells them, and then turns toward you. "And Jack, while they will absolutely have to do whatever you tell them, that doesn't necessarily mean they are going to like it. Getting them to enjoy what you do with them is going to take some work. Now then..." After telling you all that, she turns to your mother. "Meridith, it looks like this situation is resolved. I believe I should probably get back to my students as soon as I can now. And, Jack, have fun with your new toys." With those words, she goes back to her fluttering bird mode and prances on out of the room while humming a strange tune.

"Well then," your mother says, "as much as I would like to see you breaking in your new toys, I am really going to have to get back to the office. I will be asking for a repeat performance of anything you might do with them. I would probably suggest waiting though if you would rather try and practice doing it the right way instead of ruining them from the start and just turning them into meat-socks for your dick."

After telling you this, she also went out the front door in order to go back to her office, leaving you alone with these two girls.

"Sooo... you're our master now, right?" One of them says. "So, what are we supposed to do?"

Better wait for your mom to get back before doing anything.

Well, you're supposed to take charge, right? Bring them to your room and get your dick into one or both of them