Vault 69/Meeting/End

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 21:50, 25 March 2020 by Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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Telgar's text . . . I'll likely be moving it later.

You look around the room at all the women staring at you. You feel you cock harden, and your thoughts drift from the concerns that were brought up, to the thought that you will get to breed all of them at some point. You shake your head and bring your thoughts into focus. Now is not the time to be thinking about pumping your seed into their fertile wombs.

Again you try to focus. But feel your mind start to drift. You look over at the Assaultrons standing at the door. "I have a few questions for the Assaultrons?"

The one that brought you to the room turns it's eye in your direction. "Go ahead Overseer."

"So if I'm understanding everything correctly. My word is law.?"

"That is correct Overseer. Unless your laws conflict with Vault-Tech rules or regulations."

"And what are these regulations?"

The Assaultron quirks it's head to the side a bit and then responds. "I have uploaded the regulations to your Pip-Boy."

You look down at the screen and see a new txt file labeled, Vault-Tek rules and regulations for Vault 69.

You quickly review the rules and then send the file to everyone else at the table. "Okay last question for now. In regards to the, Anti-Tyranny Protocols, will I get a warning that my actions are..."

The Assaultron doesn't let you finish your question. "The Anti-Tyranny Protocols are here for the protection of the Vault integrity and residents. Termination of an Overseer would have strong detrimental effects on the Vaults integrity. All actions by the Overseer will be reviewed by the collective Assaultrons functional in the Vault. If an action is found to violate the Anti-Tyranny Protocols, the Overseer will be given three warnings, before termination procedures are inacted. The only exception is if the Overseer's actions would result in destruction of the Assaultrons, the Vault or the death of more than 50% of the Vaults population. If the Overseer ceases their tyrannical actions, their warning count is reset to zero."

You can feel the tension level in the room drop slightly with that statement. You feel much better about your future.

You once again look around the room take a deep breath before speaking "Okay I have a few ideas that I think would work here, with our new life." You say as you look towards your mother and blush. "You're probably not going to like them all and I'm willing to hear everyone's thoughts. Please wait until I get them all out before addressing them. Also can we get Ms. Dunn in here to take some notes?"

The room is quiet as everyone waits for your Aunt to enter the room and take a seat. She sits at the end of the table with a pad and pencil.

"Okay then my ideas are:"

Overseer Age. Not a lot we can do about this issue, I personally don't want to be terminated. However I think that considering all residents get their Pip-Boys at ten, then the age of consent be lowered to ten. Any residents who have not taken their G.O.A.T. test will still be required to go to schoolbor take up an apprenticeship under someone, and make their own choices. Exceptions will be looked at on a case by case basis for residents not showing enough emotional maturity. Residents ten to sixteen should still reside with their family unit.

Greif Counseling. I agree with Dr. Charbonneau's recommendation, and that we should immediately start looking for help for her department. I would like to spend some one on one time with Dr. Charbonneau to discuss this."

Dr. Charbonneau winks at you, Wich brings a slight flush to your cheeks.

" Nexus Loss. I think at this time it's to early to try anything and are resources are to low. Everyone just got here and is still trying to adjust. This should be tabled until a later date.

Genetic Future. Also something that is too early to look into, tough I would like to spend some one on one time with Dr. Romero to discuss her ideas."

Dr. Romero gives you a sly smile and a wink, which causes your cock to harden a little.

"Lastly we have the Cultural Deviations. This I feel will be the hardest to implement and we should do so gradually. I also feel that we will need to talk these over a little more before they are implemented. So unless someone has something to say I intend to make the following changes."

You look around the room at all the faces. Some are smiling, some look shocked and your mom's looks downright angry.

New Canon . . . by Elerneron (talk)

"Alright then," you say, "now that we've dealt with everything else, let's wrap things up by discussing how we're moving forward with the cultural deviations that Doctor Charbonneau mentioned. Let's start with . . . how did you phrase it?" you ask, looking at Doctor Charbonneau, "'the transition away from a purely democratic system and the limitation of certain liberties for the survival of the vault'?"

"Parfait," she says with a gasp, "you must have an eidetic memory like me, no? This is exactly what I said."

"Good . . . and I'm not sure about the eidetic memory part. I forget things all the time."

"Oh, an eidetic memory doesn't mean that you remember everything perfectly forever," says Doctor Romero. "That is a misunderstanding that is perpetuated by popular culture. It just means that your short term memory is much more accurate than most peoples; and you can form short term memory with less exposure to stimuli . . . but that is neither here nor there. Please continue."

"Very well," you say, trying to sound like a serious adult, "so we are talking about the legislation of the vault . . . our government. Thoughts?"

"I see no reason that we can't still have a democratic society," says your mom. "Just because we're stuck in a hole in the ground is no reason to resort to a dictatorship. Sure, certain rights have to be mitigated . . . and the powers of law enforcement expanded a bit; but that's no reason to throw democracy out the window."

"I'm going to have to disagree with you there," says Chief Killian of all people. "People in this level of proximity, with this kind of isolation . . . it just can't support a democracy. We need something more like a military command. Call it a dictatorship if you will; by the young Overseer here is our commander. There is no arguing it. If he commanded the assaultrons to kill one of us; they would not hesitate to execute his order with extreme prejudiced."

"That doesn't mean we just have to cave in to Vault-Tec's madness," says Doctor Whitney. "If he has absolute control; he can also delegate some of the responsibilities as well. We can have something in between. Sure it won't be a democracy like we remember it; but we can have something less restrictive than a totalitarian dictatorship."

The ladies begin to argue the merits of those three choices for the most part for the better part of five minutes before you come to a decision.

"Ladies please," you say. Having simply sat and listened to the discussion for so long, the sound of your voice instantly silences the room. "I've come to a decision."

That decision is?